MUM encourages sustainability in all its aspects, including self-sustainability with the practice of Transcendental Meditation and the knowledge gained through Science of Creative Intelligence and Vedic Science.
by Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa, USA, The Review
20 November 2012
Maharishi University of Management (MUM) students have organized a local chapter of Net Impact, a global nonprofit that supports a new generation of leaders intent on transforming the world.
According to chapter president Brando Piggue, Net Impact believes that business can be a source of good and that it is possible to make a net impact that benefits not just the bottom line but the people and planet, too.
"I believe that this student organization embodies the ideals of the student body for enhancing the learning experience at MUM and bringing it to fruition through collaboration with other student body organizations," he said.
The goal of the local chapter is to enrich students' experience through education, sustainability, and business applications. The Net Impact leadership team includes MBA students as well as students from majors such as sustainable living and media & communications.
The chapter is currently working on starting a student business on campus and on several sustainability projects. Their vermiculture project will help improve MUM's composting system.
The group meets regularly and welcomes any student who is interested in attending.
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