The paper discusses how fullness is the source of the material world and that experience of this fullness can be systematically cultivated to enhance creativity, effective performance, and holistic achievement.
by Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa, USA, The Review
12 October 2012
A paper on Maharishi's approach to economic development based on research conducted by Gareth Wallace for his PhD in management was recently published in a special issue of the Dutch journal Spanda on consciousness and development.
Coauthored by faculty member Dennis Heaton, the paper outlines three principles, each illuminated by corresponding verses from the Vedic literature.
The authors discuss how fullness is the source of the material world and that experience of this fullness can be systematically cultivated to enhance creativity, effective performance, and holistic achievement. In addition, they explain how the experience of Transcendental Consciousness attunes the individual with natural law, leading to an environment more supportive for achieving success. And they present the principle of coherence and the field effects of evolving collective consciousness.
Dr. Wallace, son of Maharishi University of Management (MUM) founding president Keith Wallace, conducted his research in consultation with Maharishi.
Spanda is published by the Spanda Foundation, which promotes the sustainable advancement of peace, knowledge, and understanding. This special issue included papers by many leading thinkers in the field of consciousness, including Fred Alan Wolf, Roger Nelson, and Amit Goswami.
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