Dr. Schaefer presented principles of Consciousness-Based education and a model of a structure for rural education in agriculture and agribusiness for a developing country.
by Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa, USA, The Review
April 2013
Jim Schaefer, director of the Maharishi University of Management's Agriculture Institute, recently presented a paper in New Delhi titled "Sustainable and Consciousness-Based Rural Educational and Economic Development: A Model and Illustration."
Hosted by the Institute of Management Technology's Center for Rural Innovation, Capacity Building, Knowledge Management, Social Entrepreneurship and Technology, the event focused on sustainability and development.
Dr. Schaefer presented principles of Consciousness-Based education and a model of a structure for rural education in agriculture and agribusiness for a developing country.
The model has three components: classroom experience, incubator experience for enterprise development, and an on-campus mini-industrial area for starting the enterprise.
The goal is to have rural students in developing countries graduate with a degree or certificate and continue on campus to create their own jobs with their own enterprise.
This model is now in various stages of application in some African, Caribbean, and Asian countries, Dr. Schaefer said.
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