Excellence in Action resulting from students optimizing brain functioning


More than 50 demonstration projects and 23 studies published in leading peer-reviewed journals have shown that this new 'brain-based approach' to world peace neutralizes the ethnic, political, and religious tensions in society that give rise to crime, violence, terrorism, and war.



Students use a ‘brain-based approach’ to reduce societal stress and conflict
by Global Good News staff writer
28 January 2013

From Mayan children in Latin America to Buddhist students in Thailand; from cultures as diverse as those in India and Africa to those in Europe and North America, students of all nationalities, religions, and backgrounds are gaining enormous personal benefits and, as a positive side effect, are simultaneously laying a foundation for world peace through a ‘brain-based approach’.

The ‘brain-based approach’ to peace, which has been repeatedly shown in scientific experiments to be effective in reducing crime, violence, war deaths, and other negative behaviour in the environment, is being implemented by the Global Peace Initiative on campuses in the US and India as well as by the David Lynch Foundation and other organizations worldwide.

This simple, yet profound and tremendously practical means of achieving peace can be explained in a few points of logic.

Societal stress and how to eliminate it

Behaviour is linked to the brain and that stress impairs the brain. Stress shuts down the prefrontal cortex, the ‘higher brain’, which, among other things, is responsible for moral reasoning. It also negatively affects behaviour by over-stimulating the amygdala, the ‘fear center’. These effects of stress lead to individuals acting in fear-driven, aggressive, violent, anti-social ways.

There is a negative influence of stress on the individual, and pervasive stress on a societal scale takes its toll on the society as a whole. The result over time of a stress-ridden societal atmosphere is the eruption of more serious levels of crime and social unrest.

An article published in the Yale University Journal of Conflict Resolution states: ‘It is widely understood that the first stage in the emergence of war is mounting tensions among rival factions in critical hot spots throughout the world.’ Tensions mounting up, unchecked, inevitably express themselves as social violence and war.

The solution to individual and societal stress comes in the form of a simple, ancient technology from an eternal knowledge called the Veda. This technology, known as the Transcendental Meditation technique, has been made available in our time by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

Extensive research demonstrates that it is more effective at removing stress and restoring balanced brain functioning than anything else that has ever been studied. By eliminating the stress of individuals, less stress accumulates in the environment and naturally anti-social behaviour—such as criminal acts—decreases.

Groups of sufficient size transcending together during the practice of the Transcendental Meditation programme, produces a demonstrable reduction in societal stress and associated crime and social violence. The resulting spillover of harmony, orderliness, and calm into the surrounding society is massive.

A large body of scientific research has been performed on the effect of the group practice of the Transcendental Meditation programme over the last 30 years. These studies document that  even a few thousand of these peace-creating experts—experiencing deep inner peace and bliss by practising the Transcendental Meditation technique in a group—can actually diffuse the accumulation of stress for a society of millions.

Today, national governments are implementing this programme in their military. Schools worldwide are teaching the Transcendental Meditation technique to their faculty, staff, and students allowing their schools to radiate a peaceful influence for society.

How the ‘brain-based approach’ to peace works

The way in which this works can be explained very simply by what physicists call the field effects of consciousness.

The mind has many levels. The deeper levels, accessible as one transcends during the practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique, are more and more unbounded. This means that like the electromagnetic field, which can spread information across the country, the transcendental field is unbounded in its reach.

As an individual contacts this settled field of deep peace and harmony through the practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique, he enlivens it and the influence of peace spreads beyond his individual self to the environment. When as little as 1% of a population utilizes this programme, the quality of life in that area improves. This rise in the coherence or harmony of a society’s collective consciousness is called the Maharishi Effect, a prediction made by the founder of the Transcendental Meditation technique.

With the group practice of the advanced TM-Sidhi programme, studies show that this effect of coherence can be achieved with only the square root of 1% of a population. The more expanded influence of the group practice of these advanced practitioners is known as the Extended Maharishi Effect.

The indicators of improved quality of life shown by the scientific research include decreased crime, inflation, and unemployment; reduced casualties and injuries in areas of conflict, such as the Middle East; decreased international conflicts, and an increased world index of international stock prices.

These broad, holistic results of the Maharishi and Extended Maharishi Effects are consistent scientists' explanation that these are field effects, occurring on the deepest and most comprehensive level of nature’s functioning, the unified field of natural law, which underlies the collective consciousness of the whole society.

So, what the students of the world are doing through their simple practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique is not only eliminating their own stress but also neutralizing collective stress in society, reducing negative behaviour and improving the quality of life throughout society.

(See http://www.globalpeaceinitiative.org/brochure/)

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"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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