The Transcendental Meditation program and its advanced techniques including the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi program with Yogic Flying are effective means to eliminate deep-seated tensions that are the underlying cause of violence and conflict—an effective approach that can safeguard a nation against violence and promote peace and prosperity in the world.
by Global Country of World Peace website
12 January 2013
Regular experience of the unified field through the Transcendental Meditation program has been shown to dissolve deep-seated stress in the individual, bringing marked reductions in hypertension, stroke, heart disease, and other stress-related illness. When practiced collectively in groups, this same program has been shown to effectively reduce societal stress and tensions, causing associated reductions in crime and social violence, and an upsurge of peace and positivity throughout the population.
Specifically, published research confirms that collective practice of the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programs by groups of several hundred to several thousand trained experts quickly neutralizes acute societal stress—including the ethnic, religious, and political tensions that fuel violence and conflict. Violence and conflict are thereby averted as tensions are calmed and as the enmity in an adversary is naturally defused.
From the perspective of physics, such groups of trained, peace-creating experts collectively accessing and stimulating the unified field generate powerful waves of unity and coherence that permeate the collective consciousness of the whole population. The immediate, practical result is markedly reduced crime and social violence, and improved positive trends throughout society.
This phenomenon of increased coherence and peace throughout society was first reported in research published in 1976, which found that when 1% of a community practiced the Transcendental Meditation program, the crime rate dropped by an average of 16%. This phenomenon was named the “Maharishi Effect” in honor of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who first predicted it in 1960. This term now includes the influence generated by group practice of the advanced TM-Sidhi program, through which even the square root of 1% of a community is sufficient to create measurable changes in social trends.
The reduction of social violence, terrorism, and war through group practice of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programs is the most extensively researched and thoroughly established phenomenon in the history of the social sciences. Such group practice is the cornerstone of the Global Peace Initiative.
Action Steps
Immediately establish a group of at least 1,000 to 2,000 peace-creating experts (depending upon the size of the national population) trained in Maharishi’s Vedic Technologies of Peace to secure domestic tranquility, stability, and harmony within the nation.
Quickly expand this group to 8,000 peace-creating experts—the number required to create a powerful influence of peace and harmony on a global scale. True invincibility cannot be achieved while parts of the world are in turmoil. Every nation today is vulnerable to attack by faraway countries through acts of terrorism, long-range missiles, or subterfuge. Every nation must therefore look beyond its borders and help secure a peaceful and harmonious family of nations.
Fortunately, according to published research, such global harmony can be achieved, to a significant degree, by even a single coherence-creating group of 8,000 experts. This number corresponds to the square root of one percent of the world’s population, and is enough, according to both theory and experiment, to produce dramatic global reductions in terrorism and conflict, and rising positive trends throughout the world.
Implementation by Students
The simplest way to establish a group of 8,000 trained experts in Maharishi’s Unified Field-Based Approach to Defense is within a large university or college. Every country has hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of students. With proper training, a group of 8,000 students can become a powerful peace-creating force, bringing security and invincibility to the nation.
It is only necessary to add to the curriculum a period, each morning and evening, for collective practice of the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programs. Extensive published research on the application of these programs in education confirms that, in addition to the powerful effect of peace and national coherence created by these programs, the students individually benefit profoundly, graduating as highly productive, enlightened leaders of society. Among the many documented benefits are significant longitudinal increases in intelligence (IQ); increased creativity; improved learning ability, memory, and academic performance; increased psychological stability, self-confidence, and emotional maturity; and improved moral reasoning.
To safeguard national security and invincibility on a stable basis, it is important to ensure the continuity of this coherence-creating group. The group should be protected against political turnover and changing policies caused by elections. Ideally, therefore, the peace-creating group should be permanently endowed, and placed in a secure location. In this location, a branch campus of an existing government university can be built, or a new university can be established—a University of Peace.
Such a protected environment, along with a regular, ideal daily routine, is most conducive to the highly specialized training the students will receive—training that develops a very refined quality of consciousness, with the ability to access and explore the unified field in the most silent, expanded state of awareness. By protecting this environment and educational training, a government will simultaneously protect the nation’s security and invincibility.
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