When he visited MUM, Thakur S. Powdyel, a former minister of education in the country of Bhutan, said “Coming here I have discovered what it is that education ought to be doing.”
by Former Education Minister in Bhutan Visits MUM
November 2013
Thakur S. Powdyel, a former minister of education in the country of Bhutan, visited Maharishi International University (MUM) in October and also spoke at several other Iowa schools including Grinnell College and Coe College.
In two presentations at MUM, Mr. Powdyel spoke about Gross National Happiness, an index that originated in Bhutan that is said to be more holistic than gross national product. In addition to a balanced social and economic development and the promotion of good governance, Gross National Happiness rests on protecting the environment and the nation’s culture. Bhutan is aiming to achieve its goal by creating a green Bhutan through education reform and building green schools.
Mr. Powdyel’s visit also served as the inaugural event of MUM’s new Institute of Asian and American Studies. The mission of the Institute is to bring Asians and Americans together as teachers, learners, and business partners. Inspired in part by the University’s ongoing partnerships in Bhutan and China, the Institute will seek to fulfill the shared goals of peace, happiness, progress, and prosperity. For example, the Institute will house a Gross National Happiness Center in partnership with the Gross National Happiness Center of Bhutan.
“Just as our collaboration with China has brought great opportunities to Chinese students for Consciousness-Based education, we strongly believe the continued dialogue with Bhutan and Minister Powdyel’s visit will help more and more Bhutanese students to have access to and enjoy Maharishi’s knowledge,” said Dr. Yunxiang Zhu, vice president of Asia Expansion.
Mr. Powdyel praised MUM for its dedication to Consciousness-Based education and its efforts to make the world a better place. “Coming here I have discovered what it is that education ought to be doing,” he said.
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