“No other ‘stress management technique’ has anywhere close to this amount of hard data in support of its claims to reduce stress.” —Norman Rosenthal, M.D., Psychiatrist, Georgetown University Medical School
from tm-women.org website
13 December 2014
College women report higher levels of anxiety and psychological distress than their male counterparts. The Transcendental Meditation technique can be an effective antidote for the overwhelming stressors of college life, according to a new research study.
“The TM technique helps students overcome stress and reverses its negative effects on the brain. TM activates the brain’s pre-frontal areas, which are responsible for planning, foresight and decision-making.” —Dr. Fred Travis, brain researcher and study’s author.
What happens during meditation?
During TM practice the mind effortlessly settles to quieter levels of thinking, tapping our inner reservoir of creativity and intelligence at its silent depths. Simultaneously the body gains deep rest and releases accumulated stress and tension. After meditation, awareness is infused with greater clarity, brilliance and inner calm.
Easy fit for college life
Well-suited to the college student’s busy routine, the TM technique is practiced for just 20 minutes twice a day. It’s easily learned in just a few days and doesn’t involve concentration or having to clear your mind of thoughts. It is a non-religious meditation that involves no belief or change in lifestyle.
Awaken higher consciousness
College is a time of preparation—a time, ideally, to unfold your spiritual potential as well as gain skills for a chosen profession. Daily TM practice allows you to awaken higher consciousness—to develop intuition, creative vision and inner happiness. If you venture into the world with full awareness of who you truly are, you can better accomplish your goals with confidence and ease, remaining anchored to the depth of your Being.
New published research shows that Transcendental Meditation positively impacts student graduation rates
A new study published in the June 2013 issue of the journal Education (Vol. 133, No. 4) shows practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique was associated with as much as 25% higher graduation rates, compared to controls.
“While there are bright spots in public education today, urban schools on the whole tend to suffer from a range of factors which contribute to poor student academic performance and low graduation rates,” according to lead author, Robert D. Colbert, Ph.D., associate professor, and director of Neag School of Education’s Diversity Council at University of Connecticut. “Students need to be provided with value—added educational programs that can provide opportunities for school success. Our study investigated one such program, Transcendental Meditation, which appears to hold tremendous promise for enriching the lives of our nation’s students.”
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