David Orme-Johnson, former MUM professor, says, “The research results on the effects of the Transcendental Meditation technique on aging is comprehensive and compelling."
by David Orme-Johnson at Maharishi University of Management blogs
23 August 2015
You may have heard in the news that scientists have discovered a new pill that seems to extend life in rats, and maybe it will work with humans too; no one knows yet. But we don’t have to wait for a pill to have a longer and healthier life.
Research has been showing for years that practicing meditation, specifically Transcendental Meditation, keeps one feeling young and healthy. A study found that the biological age of people who had been practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique for less than 5 years were 5 years younger than their chronological age and those who had been practicing TM more than 5 years were 12 years younger. This was indicated by lower blood pressure, better near-point vision, and better auditory discrimination (Wallace, Dillbeck, Jacobe, & Harrington, 1982). Virtually all of the 700 studies on the Transcendental Meditation technique can be interpreted as slowing aging (Chalmers, 2012). Maharishi himself has referred to the aging research as, “Aging is like the footprint of the elephant: the footprints of all the other animals can fit within it”, signifying that the topic of aging subsumes all research results.
Another study conducted at Harvard randomly assigned eighty-year olds in nursing homes to practice one of the three following techniques: Transcendental Meditation technique, mindfulness, and a relaxation technique. A fourth group received only usual care. The study found that after three months the meditators felt less old, had increased cognitive flexibility, improved memory, and lower blood pressure than the other groups. At the three-year followup, 100% of the meditators were still alive, whereas only 63% to 87% of the elders in other groups survived (Alexander, Langer, Newman, Chandler, & Davies, 1989).
David W. Orme-Johnson, PhD., former Director of the International Center for Scientific Research, says that:
“The research results on the effects of the Transcendental Meditation technique on aging is comprehensive and compelling. TM is exactly what is needed to create a happier, healthy society and to keep health-care costs from spiraling out of control by our aging population. What is most inspiring to me personally is that I will be turning 74 in a few days (January 17) and I am feeling great, full of bliss, energy, and optimism. I was so lucky to have learned TM when I was 29. But it is never too late. TM is a powerful anti-aging tool for anyone in any age groups to learn.”
If you’re looking to feel—or stay—ßyoung, Transcendental Meditation is a good choice. To learn more about Transcendental Meditation, visit TM.org.
About the author:
David Orme-Johnson David Orme-Johnson is one of the principal researchers in the world on meditation and its effects, having over 100 publications, mostly in peer-reviewed journals. He has traveled to over 56 countries to speak on the research on meditation to scientific conferences, the public, the press, program directors, government officials, members of Congress, parliaments, heads of state, and the United Nations.
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