A strong influence of positivity, harmony, and integration in world consciousness will not allow the eruption of negative trends in the world, and will spontaneously result in a lasting state of peace and happiness in the world.
by Maharishi University of Management website
24 July 2015
Maybe you have imagined a better world.Maybe you would like to have an effect on the world that you, after all, will be living in.
“Be the change that you want to see” is a saying that is gaining in popularity. At Maharishi University of Management (MUM), however, it’s more than just a good saying, since we share a global vision and practical means to have a positive effect on individual lives and collective behaviors. We view the individual as the basic unit of world peace. And by enhancing and optimizing yourself as one of those basic units, you do a great deal for the world on a grander scale.
Surprising results
There are also surprising effects on larger units of society when even a small group of people gain a more orderly style of mental functioning. Specifically, numerous studies have indicated that when even 1% of a city begins to practice the Transcendental Meditation program, there is a decrease in the crime rate in that city. Other studies show that the group practice of both the TM program and an advanced module, the TM-Sidhi program, can have an effect on crime rate and even reduce war incidents.
In other words, it’s great for you when you practice the TM program, but as a group we can have an even more powerful effect.
All students, faculty and staff at MUM practice the TM program and automatically contribute to this collective effect. Students who have advanced to take the TM-Sidhi program can join the members of the Invincible America Assembly in the domes (one of the most distinctive features of the MUM campus) and have an even greater effect on the United States in particular, and the world as a whole.
MUM is engaged in a number of peace initiatives, health-enhancing research studies, and sustainability projects. Our students, faculty and graduates are busy applying high levels of creativity and intelligence to their personal and global worlds.
You too can do that, whenever you want to get started at Maharishi University of Management.
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