MUM alumna Samantha Thomas says, "My time at MUM and learning TM have unequivocally helped me understand the true meaning of raising consciousness.”
by Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa, USA, Achievements
2 November 2015
Samantha Thomas grew up in Berkshire County, Massachusetts, in a family that valued personal growth and the development of consciousness. Throughout her life she has been able to maintain those values and now applies them in her current job; she is the executive director of DreamChange, a nonprofit organization founded in 1987 by New York Times best selling author John Perkins to help raise humanity’s consciousness and inspire more sustainable ways of living.
Samantha came to Maharishi University of Management (MUM) because she believed that Consciousness-Based education would support her own values. “Being at MUM and surrounded by people who were always interested in the deeper meaning of life was really helpful for my personal development,” she said. “It helped me become stronger in who I am and understand what’s important to me. My time at MUM and learning TM have unequivocally helped me understand the true meaning of raising consciousness.”
Samantha graduated in 2011 with a major in sustainable living and a minor in business administration. Afterwards she moved to New York City to work in the green fashion industry as a freelance model and event facilitator. After a year she found working in fashion unfulfilling, so she began searching for more meaningful work. It was then when she attended a business leadership workshop by John Perkins and learned about DreamChange. Samantha became inspired, moved to the Pacific Northwest, and joined the organization as an intern.
Soon she became project manager and then was promoted to executive director. Over the past three years she has been working to expand DreamChange’s programs, and she recently created its new signature event, The Love Summit, an annual conference designed to show corporate and government leaders that creating loving businesses could be the most powerful tool for mitigating environmental and social issues while creating thriving enterprises.
Samantha considers herself a social entrepreneur and someday would like to start her own organization. “I’ve always wanted to create a business that helps people and assists in fostering a more compassionate and peaceful world,” she said. In the meantime, she feels very fortunate to be able to work for an organization whose causes she feels passionate about.
Samantha is proud to be a member of the Global Shapers Community, a network of 4500 young people worldwide selected by the World Economic Forum for their exceptional potential, achievement, and drive to make a contribution to their communities.
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