Latha Lakshmanan's instructor at MUM, Sabita Sawhney, says, "Latha’s greatest strength, in my estimation, is her insistence on developing all aspects of her personality, both head and heart.”
by Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa, USA, Achievement
10 April 2017
Latha Lakshmanan enjoys the challenge of a fast-paced work environment and handling high-profile clients, but she found it difficult to balance her personal life with the demands of her job. “One of my main intentions coming to MUM was to have a routine and the discipline to take care of myself,” she said, “so when I go back into the work force, I will have those skills.”
A native of Minneapolis, Latha earned a bachelor’s degree in business management from the University of Minnesota, and another in accounting from Augsburg College in Minneapolis. She has worked in internal auditing, risk assessment, and regulatory compliance services for financial institutions and other industries.
In 2012 Latha saw an Oprah special on Fairfield and Maharishi University of Management (MUM), which inspired her to learn the Transcendental Meditation technique. After several visits to Fairfield, she decided to enroll in the sustainable MBA Program in 2016.
Since learning the TM technique, Latha has achieved a sense of calmness in the face of stressful situations. She has also learned to pay attention to life’s synchronicities that are helping her achieve her goals. She even started to document these events to reinforce their occurrence. “You can see that there is an organizing power in the universe,” said Latha.
Latha thrives in the project-based learning environment of the MBA Program, solving real-life problems. “When you are out in the field, the problems can be so different from what a classroom can cover,” she said. “You need to be able to think on the spot, address the different stakeholders, your own team, and the client. It’s a juggling act.”
Last week Latha attended the Midwest Business Administration Association International Conference in Chicago to present a research paper she and a classmate wrote for a lean business process project. After graduating, Latha wants to return to consulting, adding sustainability and lean process improvement to her areas of expertise.
“Besides her strong intellectual acumen, outstanding organizational skills, and lofty ambitions, Latha is also fun-loving, likable, enthusiastic, and trustworthy,” said Sabita Sawhney, associate professor of management. “Latha’s greatest strength, in my estimation, is her insistence on developing all aspects of her personality, both head and heart.”
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