Dr. Schneider also met with two central government ministers and high-level officials from India to discuss collaborations between MUM and the government of India that would integrate the traditional knowledge of AyurVeda into modern health care in a contemporary scientific framework.
by Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa, USA, The Review
8 February 2017
India continues to show interest in Maharishi University of Management (MUM)'s science-based approach to traditional systems of prevention-oriented health-care. Most recently Robert Schneider, dean of the Maharishi College of Perfect Health, was invited to deliver the keynote address at an international conference and teach two public seminars in the nation's capital of New Delhi.
In his 10-day tour in India in late December, Dr. Schneider also met with two central government ministers and high-level officials to discuss collaborations between MUM and the government of India.
"In the meetings we explored our joint interests in how we can integrate science-based Vedic health care into modern health care," said Dr. Schneider, MD, FACC. "The new government wants to bring this traditional knowledge to the world—and back to India in a contemporary scientific framework."
Dr. Schneider met with India's Minister of Science and Technology, Harsh Vardhan, and the Minister of AYUSH, Shripad Naik. AYUSH includes ayurveda, yoga, and homeopathy.
Amongst their wide-ranging discussions, Dr. Schneider, the ministers, and their staffs discussed two specific proposals:
1) the effects of the Transcendental Meditation technique and a Maharishi Yoga asana program on the brain and heart related to aging, and
2) a study on the effects of five traditional herbal preparations or rasayanas on the biological and psychological markers of aging. These projects would be conducted in collaboration with medical centers in India and the U.S.
Dr. Schneider gave the opening address at the annual meeting of the World Association of Vedic Studies. Speaking to an audience of about 300, he described how Maharishi AyurVeda programs may slow or reverse aging in Western and Indian populations. His audience included scholars, officials, and leaders who are integrating Vedic science and technologies into modern society.
His well-attended public seminars were sponsored by India's Institute for Contemporary Consciousness and addressed the topic of "Super Aging," how modern science has discovered ancient wisdom of Maharishi AyurVeda and the Transcendental Meditation technique for longevity, health, and happiness.
Dr. Schneider's media coverage was viewed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who invited Dr. Schneider to meet the next time he's in India.
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