In this course, students will discover their own inner creativity, and explore what accomplished writers have revealed about their creative process.
by Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa, USA, Blog
17 August 2019
Next year Maharishi University of Management (MUM) will launch a low-residency MFA program in Creative Writing with specialization options in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction.
Each semester will begin with a 10-day residency on campus, and culminate with a fifth residency at the end of the program. During the semesters, students will take classes online with published poets and writers who will also serve as mentors. The program will be directed by long-term faculty Nynke Passi.
“Just like the popular low-residency David Lynch MFA in screenwriting, the MFA in creative writing will provide a safe, nurturing, and inclusive learning environment supported by faculty committed to bringing out the best in their students,” Ms. Passi said.
During the residencies, the workshops will cover topics such as the creative process, transformational narrative, experimentation with form, and the journey from writer to author. During the semesters, students will work on material that will eventually be part of their thesis project. They will also read extensively and produce critical essays.
At the end of the program the students will submit their thesis—a book-length manuscript of publishable quality. They will also write a critical introduction to it, exploring their creative process in a scholarly context.
In addition, the students will develop a social media platform and a strategic marketing plan that will help them launch themselves as authors.
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