Shristi Sharma and her teammate were awarded first place because of their creativity, innovate thinking, and programming skills
by Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa, USA, The Review
27 June 2019
Competing against six other teams in the recent University of Iowa High School Hackathon, Maharishi School 10th grader Shristi Sharma and a 9th grader from North Liberty High School took top honors.
The teams were given from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. to work on a project that they then demoed to the judges at the end of the day. The students were introduced to the project ideas at the beginning of the day and provided with various data sets and tools to develop their project.
It was a fierce competition because other teams had senior and experienced programmers in their teams who worked on big data and artificial Intelligence projects to prepare for the competition.
In addition, the other teams mostly had four students per team.
“I was not expecting anything from Shristi’s team because they were competing against bigger and experienced teams,” said Suresh Sharma, Shristi’s father.
“Shristi and her teammate were clueless when they started and in the beginning had no idea of how to approach the project. But finally they came up with the idea of creating an interactive map of major historical events during a specific period.”
They were awarded first place because of their creativity, innovate thinking, and programming skills.
“It was a simple idea, but the judges hadn’t ever seen this type of thing before,” Mr. Sharma said. “They strongly encouraged Shristi to keep developing this idea and pitch it to the Smithsonian.”
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