Excellence in Action resulting from students optimizing brain functioning


After the students at the Communiversity learn the Transcendental Meditation technique, they are calmer, more focused, and better able to learn.



Personal development and self esteem for success in education
by Transcendental Meditation for Women blog entitled: From the Streets to College in Four Months: The Communiversity of South Africa Empowers Underserved Youth in Cape Town by Linda Egenes
19 October 2019

A key to transforming the lives of students athe Communiversity in Cape Town, South Africa is teaching them the Transcendental Meditation technique to help them overcome the stress of living in poverty, to settle their minds for learning, and to help raise their self-esteem.

 “Everyone notices a huge change in the group from the moment each student learns in a private session with their TM teacher,” says Marcia. “Before instruction, they are quite unfocused; afterwards, they start to settle, and they become much more attentive and responsive.”

The students also report that they find learning much easier after taking the TM course. “With TM, I’m able to be more calm,” says Monique. “I’m able to understand the math more easily, to pay attention to what I’m being taught. I’ve never before gotten such high marks.”

Melanie Brown, Ph.D and Marcia Abrahams (co-founders of the Communiversity) themselves have practiced the Transcendental Meditation technique on a daily basis most of their lives, and credit it with giving them the enormous energy and focus it takes to keep the school running even though most people their age are retired.

“The TM technique is such an important tool for self-development not only for the students, but for us and for our staff members as well,” says Melanie. “TM is such a key ingredient for success. It just takes that inner experience that opens their awareness and leads to amazing things to start happening for them.”

The boost in self-esteem and self-sufficiency is especially important for women students. Marcia points out that there are so many beautiful tribal traditions in South Africa, but they are all rooted in the traditions of women serving their families and their communities.

“It’s important to realize that even though the power in these communities may be held by men, it is the women who hold the families together,” she says. “We believe it’s the women who are in fact powerfully transforming the country. So as we mine the real gold of South Africa within our students, we are aware that we must focus on the education of the women so they can lead their families out of poverty.”

© Copyright 2019 Global Mother Divine Organization.


"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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