by Maria Di Donna at Enjoy TM News, The Transcendental Meditation Magazine online
16 February 2021
Maria Di Donna, a musician, singer, and songwriter from Naples, Italy, shares the benefits she has experienced from the regular practice of Transcendental Meditation:
The benefits of practicing Transcendental Meditation (TM) have been amazing for me, and I will be forever grateful for learning this technique.
I am meditating regularly, twice a day, and I always look forward to my “appointment with myself.” It’s a precious moment. Every time is a surprise.
It’s a journey, a dive into myself, a source of inspiration. It’s a deep search or even better, a rediscovery. It really seems like things have been there a long time waiting for me to “come back”!
My everyday life has become happier and easier since I started, even though nothing practical has changed in my routine apart from practicing TM.
Decisions seem easier and clearer to make. My mood is very positive and light. And I have the feeling people around me benefit from it too, like a positive chain reaction.
My mind is faster and my creativity is blossoming.
I can feel my emotions in a stronger way, but at the same time, it’s like I can “control” them more easily. It’s like I can ride them and not the other way round.
In a word: Wow!
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