Excellence in Action resulting from students optimizing brain functioning


Michael Fitzgerald says students noticed that they had more clarity and ability to focus after practising TM.



More personal growth and deep rest with the TM Technique
by Christine Albers at Enjoy TM news online
4 March 2021

The foundational element of Maharishi International University’s Consciousness-Based education is the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique. Regular TM practice refreshes the mind and body, reduces stress, and increases intelligence and memory, making it far easier for students to absorb the knowledge from their courses and retain it. It’s also a tool they can take with them in their new career.

“Before MIU all I knew of meditation was from movies and TV shows,” said Mohamed “Moe” Hassan from Sudan. “I learned Transcendental Meditation, and didn’t know what to expect. Honestly, I have no idea how, but the meditation works. If I was tired or nervous or even panicking before exams, meditating for 20 minutes settled me down and helped me focus. I think TM will also help now that I’m moving to a new city to start a job and have to learn everything about the company and environment.”

Michael Fitzgerald, from Crystal River, Florida, earned his B.A. in Mathematics at MIU before entering the M.S.D. program (Masters in Software Development), so he was experienced with Consciousness-Based education. Still completing his M.S.D. coursework, he has already landed a position as IT Administrator for Maharishi School in Fairfield.

“MIU is the only university I know of that encourages its students to stay rested and have a healthy lifestyle,” Fitzgerald said.

“For me, that’s as important as the knowledge. Many of my M.S.D. classmates didn’t think much of meditation before coming here, but they were impressed with the results from TM. They noticed they didn’t have as much stress and had greater clarity and focus in school after learning the TM technique, and it came as a surprise to them.”

Haile Tesfu, M.S.D., appreciates how it’s helping him in his new position at Infosys. “I love the meditation! It really works for me. It gives me energy and clears my mind, and it’s helping me with my new job. If I’m working and feel tired, I stop for my TM session and feel refreshed and ready to start again,” he said.


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"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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