Vikram Gulati says, “I realized that at MIU I can bring together the three things I love: teaching, using my management experience, and studying the Vedic tradition.”
by Maharishi International University, Fairfield, Iowa, USA, Achievements
26 November 2021
Vikram Gulati holds electrical engineering and MBA degrees and spent 30 years leading IT companies before joining Maharishi International University (MIU) in 2019 to pursue his PhD in management.
About 16 years ago Vikram developed an interest in Vedic knowledge and began studying the Vedic literature. He became fascinated with the intersection of science and spirituality and the idea of consciousness being the central principle of existence.
In 2019 Vikram met a student of Maharishi and learned about the Transcendental Meditation technique, the unified field theory, and MIU. He wanted to transition from the corporate world to academia and, after attending a Visitors Weekend, he enrolled at MIU. He completed his coursework online and recently moved to Fairfield with his wife.
“I realized that at MIU I can bring together the three things I love: teaching, using my management experience, and studying the Vedic tradition,” said Vikram.
Vikram found that the practice of the TM technique has helped him in this major transition of his life and several other challenges he faced due to the pandemic. “All of these were stressful events, but I didn’t feel them as much,” he said.
For the past two and a half years Vikram has taught various management courses through MIU’s distance education programs in China, Ethiopia, and South Africa.
Earlier this year, Vikram was one of 20 PhD students in the world to receive a Fetzer Institute scholarship to attend the Academy of Management’s August virtual conference. He was also the only PhD student from MIU to be a panelist in three professional development workshops by the Management, Spirituality, and Religion interest group of the Academy.
Vikram is now researching his dissertation, which explores the ambidextrous mindset—the ability to incorporate the dualism of innovation and efficiency—as a leadership quality critical for organizational success.
He postulates that the development of consciousness, through the practice of the TM technique, is the most efficient way of cultivating a mindset that can facilitate the coexistence of these opposing values.
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