The ability to give of yourself increases exponentially when your mind and heart function in a refined way.
by TM Women mini magazine December 2022
19 December 2022
Studies show that giving to others can enhance physical and mental health. Research indicates that the process of giving—whether you’re giving time or gifts—reduces hypertension, stress, and depression while increasing self-esteem, happiness, and longevity.
Of course, it’s common to feel anxiety around holiday gift shopping, but the advice from Psychology Today is to find comfort in our own good intentions. And this is a good takeaway for relationships in general.
In his book, the Science of Being and Art of Living, Maharishi explains how giving is the basis of good relationships:
“The basic fundamental of behavior should be to give. When you are going to meet someone, think about what you are going to give him, whether it be a concrete gift of a beautiful object, words of greeting, warm sympathy, praise, adoration, love, elevating advice, or good news for his body, mind, or soul. There must be some thing for you to give when you meet someone. Just a “hello” and “how do you do” cannot produce a wave of love and joyfulness at the meeting. The art of behavior is such that the first moment of the meeting should have a real value of the meeting of the two hearts.
“Thus, we find that the first fundamental in the art of behavior is: meet with warmth, and meet to give. Behavior should be on the level of giving. “In giving, you receive” is a common saying: it has great truth in it. If all the people in a society behaved on this level of giving, social behavior could only result in the advancement and glorification of everyone’s life. Giving is the basic formula of the art of behavior.”
The ability to give of yourself increases exponentially when your mind and heart function in a refined way. In the TM technique, there are two components that facilitate this:
First, the mind transcends active levels of thinking, engaging the innermost silent level of the Self, the nature of which is bliss. When bliss starts to permeate our experience, it flows naturally in all our relationships.
Second, while the mind transcends, the body correspondingly settles down and imbalances dissolve, freeing the nervous system to function in a healthy, unencumbered way. Emotions and behavior are naturally more generous when we aren’t hampered by stress and fatigue.
Consider learning TM as a holiday gift for yourself. And if you have learned, consider gifting a course to your loved ones. It’s a gift that keeps on giving.
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