Angela said, “After learning TM, I was transformed. I finally experienced and understood the peace ‘which passeth all understanding’, which I was taught during my Christian upbringing.”
by Maharishi International University(MIU), Fairfield, Iowa, USA, Achievements
11 June 2022
Angela Albrecht is a real estate investor who lives in the mountains of Virginia. Over the past 20 years she has taken on many roles to counsel and advocate for people who suffered trauma. She has worked as a minister, pastoral care specialist, and trauma informed specialist.
She earned an associate degree in legal studies, as well as degrees in holistic therapy and theology. After the loss of her husband due to cancer, she focused on raising her daughter, caring for her family, and acting as a hospice care volunteer and court-appointed special advocate for children.
Last year she decided to complete her bachelor’s degree from an accredited university to fulfill a dream neither her mother nor grandmother was able to achieve and to inspire her children, grandchildren, and all future generations to pursue their dreams.
“A lot of what I have learned at MIU has always been part of my belief system,” she said. “MIU's integration of ancient traditions, objective science, and the subjective experience of transcendental consciousness changed my belief into awareness.”
Angela has enjoyed attending her online classes and sharing experiences with fellow students. She found the weekend TM Retreats especially beneficial for taking time for herself and recharging for her next course.
“After learning TM, I was transformed,” she said. “I finally experienced and understood the peace ‘which passeth all understanding’, which I was taught during my Christian upbringing.”
For her senior project, Angela created workshops on how the TM technique, along with Yoga asanas and breathing techniques, can mitigate the effects of individual and societal trauma. She will be offering these workshops to the public, social service offices, and schools in her community. She also plans to become a teacher of the Transcendental Meditation technique to be able to offer the experience of transcendental consciousness.
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