Excellence in Action resulting from students optimizing brain functioning


jen's art
Jennifer Moore enjoys the MIU Visual Art Program’s creative approach combined with MIU’s focus on student well-being.




Laying the foundation for a creative life
by Maharishi International University (MIU), Fairfield, Iowa, USA, Achievements
21 March 2022

Jennifer Moore recently completed her second campus visit in Maharishi International University’s low-residency MFA in Visual Art Program, which allows artists all over the country to pursue their degrees remotely with a two-week stay on campus each semester.

Jennifer lives outside Austin, Texas, and has toured with the indie pop duo Deep Time in the US, Australia, Europe, and Mexico. After being on the road for a decade, she decided to settle down and attend Texas State University to study opera. However, when she took a class in video art she found a new calling and completed her bachelor’s degree in visual art in 2018.

One of her professors, Joey Fauerso, introduced Jennifer to the work of the MIU art faculty. When the new low-residency program opened last August, Jennifer applied. She was drawn to the program’s creative approach combined with MIU’s focus on student well-being.

The MFA program has helped her maintain a regular creative routine even when she returns home. She has discovered that she prefers the quiet of the art studio over the hectic touring schedule of a musician.

“I love the MFA program because it is setting you up for a creative life,” she said. “Now I have a working routine and the TM technique is really helpful with that. I am also getting creative ideas when I meditate.”

Through the program, Jennifer receives regular feedback from MIU faculty and an artist mentor, and enjoys the community of fellow art students. In her small studio she makes sculptures from found objects.

Jennifer is interested in becoming a teacher or an art therapist, combining art with the Transcendental Meditation technique in her work. Her current goal is to continue solidifying her studio practice so that she can help others achieve the same.


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"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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