Excellence in Action resulting from students optimizing brain functioning


Rachel Lansky worked for the David Lynch Foundation, teaching the TM technique in schools at San Francisco and Los Angeles.



MIU alumna is writer, teacher, manager
by Maharishi International University, Fairfield, Iowa, USA, Achievements
14 November 2022

Maharishi International University (MIU) alumna Rachel Lansky grew up in Fairfield and graduated from Maharishi School. She earned a BA in creative writing and journalism from the University of Colorado Denver, and worked in various writing and editing jobs while living in Boulder, Colorado. 

In 2012 she began working at the Center for Wellness and Achievement in Education, which promotes Quiet Time and the Transcendental Meditation technique in schools. Rachel has always enjoyed her TM and TM-Sidhi programs, and her work at the Center inspired her to become a Transcendental Meditation teacher in 2015. She then worked for the David Lynch Foundation, teaching the TM technique in schools at San Francisco and Los Angeles.

In 2017 Rachel moved back to Fairfield to be near her family. She worked at MIU while completing her part-time MBA in Sustainable Business. “I loved being a student at MIU,” she said. “I loved the MBA program and the challenges it provided. I grew a lot during my MBA.” She completed her MBA classes in August, 2022.

Rachel’s favorite classes were on leadership, communication, and mediation. In 2021, while still attending MIU, she landed a highly competitive job at Backstop Solutions Group, a company offering productivity software for the institutional investment industry.

She has been promoted twice in the past 12 months and now manages the Client Care team of the company. Rachel enjoys communicating with people and helping them solve their problems. In the future she wants to continue studying mediation.

Rachel is working remotely for the Chicago-based company and enjoys living in Fairfield, attending the Super Radiance program in the Golden Domes, and participating in TM Retreats. She likes being a TM teacher and hopes to return to teaching part time and working with the Global Mother Divine Organization.


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"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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