Excellence in Action resulting from students optimizing brain functioning


unified field
During Transcendental Meditation, one is at the level of the Unified Field of Natural Law, when one transcends.



Enlightenment and Transcendental Meditation
by TM Women Mini-Magazine
18 January 2023

Physical stress, as well as mental and emotional stress and their corresponding physical imprint on the nervous system, hamper the health of our body and the clarity of our mind.

The Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique is a way for us to effectively dissolve deep fatigue and stress. The technique is effortless because it works in accord with the innate tendencies of our mind and body—so TM is completely natural to us. 

With regular twice-daily TM practice, a time will come when we start living a life free from stress. Then our mind will be free of the limitations to consciousness and perception caused by past traumas.

In this state, the mind is simply aware of awareness itself, unmoving and unrestricted in its pure silent value, even while we are engaged in dynamic activity.

The mind has found, deep within itself, a self-sufficient abiding peace that is its true nature. This is the invincibility and freedom of being grounded in our own inner eternal Being. This is the state of enlightenment.

Maharishi said: 

“Transcendental Consciousness is the Unified Field of Natural Law. Quantum Field Theory has established that there is one unified field at the basis of all the creativity of natural law. So, when one transcends, one gets into that level of intelligence, which is all-knowingness.

"This is enlightenment. And one spontaneously begins to think better in every way—and better means right for everyone, useful for everyone, and quickly achieving the desire. That is enlightenment.”

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"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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