Marc Edwards, MD, is a Masters of Ayurveda professor.

Dr. Edwards has a Maharishi Vastu home/office in Chapel Hill, NC.
by Maharishi International University, Fairfield, Iowa, USA, Achievements
10 March 2023
Maharishi International University (MIU) Masters of Ayurveda professor, Marc Edwards, MD has recently published a new research paper in Explore: The Journal of Science & Healing. The article is now available to view and download without charge until April 13th.
Last year, Dr. Edwards completed a 9-year retrospective study of his Ayurveda practice and invited all former clients to complete a questionnaire addressing their experience and results.
The research offers evidence that Ayurveda is mostly successful in reducing symptoms and doesn’t carry the risk of side effects or harm. If re-integrated with modern practice, all would benefit—especially those who are disadvantaged socially and economically.
Ayurveda can serve as a natural partner to traditional allopathic medicine, and this is shown through findings that the most common recommendations made to clients (table 7 of the report) are complementary to modern medical practice.
Edwards has been teaching in the MIU Masters of Ayurveda program for the past three years. He started as a family physician who got involved with Ayurveda in 1984 as a result of having learned TM as a first-year medical student.
After a career that shifted into management, consulting and healthcare quality research, he returned to clinical practice devoted to Ayurveda in 2013. In 2018, Marc moved into a Maharishi Vastu home/office in Chapel Hill, NC.
If you are interested in the findings from the research paper, Marc encourages you to pass the link along to your friends and physician contacts.
He also would love to invite any MIU ayurvedic health professional to consider working with him to further advance this type of practice-based research.
If you are interested in learning more, contact Dr. Edwards directly at 860.521.8484 or medwards@miu.edu.
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