Excellence in Action resulting from students optimizing brain functioning


Women of all ages and walks-of-life find that the practice of TM connects them to an inner happiness and self-confidence that does not depend on anything outside of themselves.



Transcendental Meditation brings balance to life
by Transcendental Meditation for Women website blog
13 November 2023

The Transcendental Meditation practice can be a powerful tool for women in challenging work situations.

We interviewed two women in technology jobs, Tess Chu and Yvonne Gando, to hear their observations as well as how learning and practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique has affected their job and life experiences.

Question: Has your practice of Transcendental Meditation added value to your work situation and in what ways?

Tess: Yes! I am a high-achieving individual and take pride in the quantity and complexity of problems I help with, but on many days this often takes a toll on my energy and patience. The stress causes sleep issues which creates a negative feedback loop, leading to burnout. TM really helped me dial it back, creating space so that I can deliberately choose to take things more even-keeled. I still have bad days, but there are many more good ones than bad now

Question: Have you observed that work-life balance has changed?

Tess: Almost immediately I noticed I got my evenings back after starting TM. I used to be so fried after a long workday that I would pass out on the couch right after dinner. I would scroll my phone while my husband made dinner, and was rarely present. I consider this by itself worth the daily time I invest in TM.

Yvonne: Yes, there has been a noticeable shift in my work-life balance since practicing TM. The mental space and peace it provides have allowed me to be more present, both at work and at home. I find myself less consumed by work-related stress in my personal time, which has significantly improved my overall quality of life.

Question: Since you learned TM, what changes have you noticed in your relationships with coworkers, family and friends?

Tess: The biggest change I noticed is my relationship with my two kids Alan (5) and Ada (8). They are more loving toward me and we are creating many more memorable moments together. I’ve also taken a more proactive role in their lives.

Before TM, I never wanted to invest any extra time toward after-school activities because I just didn’t have the willpower to add more to my plate. I’ve since gotten Alan started with tutoring (he needs more one-on-one time) and I’m invested in scheduling all of the sessions and getting him there. Ada started joining me with gardening: starting seeds, preparing the bed, and fertilizing my plants.

Yvonne: Post-TM, there’s a greater sense of empathy and patience in my interactions. Be it with coworkers, family, or friends, I find myself listening more and reacting less. This change has fostered stronger, more meaningful connections and has helped in building a collaborative and supportive work environment. 

Question: Have there been changes in how you feel about yourself?

Tess: My mood is much more even-keeled. I definitely have fewer low days, but I’m also not as easily excitable. Things are calm and happier maybe about 50% of the time, which is a great improvement! I’m really enjoying the added energy which makes my days much more predictable even when I have a night of poor sleep. Even my husband can attest to my improved calmness!

Yvonne: Learning TM has led to a profound change in how I perceive and value myself. It has boosted my confidence and self-awareness, making me more resilient to the external pressures of my job. There’s a newfound inner strength that comes from being in tune with my mental and emotional state.


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