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Being part of a family lays a good foundation for an individual to grow in universal values.



Family life supports an individual’s evolution to universality
by Transcendental Meditation for Women mini magazine
24 September 2023

The purpose of the Transcendental Meditation program is the expansion of every human’s consciousness to encompass both their individuality and the underlying universal reality of life.

Being part of a family lays a good foundation for an individual to grow in universal values. Each family member learns naturally to consider the feelings of others and not be absorbed in only her own interests.

Family life can inspire a more inclusive and collective viewpoint. This is what the relationships in a family are meant to culture. It is deep in one’s nature to care for others and this starts to promote universality in the individual. 

Maharishi, the founder of the TM program, explains that in family life we start with love of mother and then love of father and then love of siblings and then friends and then friends of friends, so all aspects of thinking, behavior, and perception start to grow in expanded awareness. This expansion continues “until one is completely melted into goodwill and well-being and softness of all the love that one has grown into.” 

The dynamics of healthy family life offer “practical training and guidance to grow into an expanding value of universal thinking, behavior and concern.”

Deep within the mind, transcending individual consciousness to unbounded pure consciousness takes place through the TM technique. This growth is also promoted in an outer direction, in part through family life. In this manner, the stream of individual life expands to embrace universal values, encompassing the whole of total reality.


© Copyright 2023 Global Mother Divine Organization.


"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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