30 April 2011
Maharishi School ’92 grad Jonathan Sherr stars in a Japanese webseries comedy about the trials and tribulations of teaching a foreign language overseas and recently co-hosted NHK World TV’s 'Japan Unlocked'. (more) |
27 April 2011
At the The State Science and Technology Fair of Iowa, Maharishi School students won top awards which were judged on creativity, scientific thought, research thoroughness, technical skill, clarity and oral presentation. (more) |
26 April 2011
Rumi's enduring poetry conveyed his profound transcendental experiences, which are shared by those who practice the Transcendental Meditation Technique. (more) |
25 April 2011
As a result of the recent recruiting tour in China by a group of Maharishi School administrators, many Chinese students are interested in attending the Maharishi School where they can enjoy a balanced education. (more) |
22 April 2011
Flow of Consciousness is a new compilation of lectures on literature and language recorded during Maharishi’s 1970's lecture tours around the world and from his discussions with leading scientists and scholars. (more) |
21 April 2011
English teacher, Cliff Yates, describes the effects of Transcendental Meditation on his pupils; and students and other teachers describe how TM provides relaxation, which is particularly beneficial when preparing for exams. (more) |
19 April 2011
It is now high time that, along with the outer fields of the different branches of learning, education be provided to the students in the inner spheres of life. The Transcendental Meditation Technique cultures the mind from within. (more) |
18 April 2011
The latent potential within all students is easily developed through the study of the Absolute, the Self of everyone, experienced directly during the practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique. (more) |

15 April 2011
Maharishi School student Haiyin describes Consciousness-Based Education, which is the basis of the numerous, outstanding achievements of the small school. (more) |

13 April 2011
Consciousness-Based Education gives students the opportunity to develop their total brain potential and live their full human potential, life in enlightenment, thus fulfilling a great need in education today. (more) |
11 April 2011
A pilot study on students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) found improved brain functioning and decreased symptoms as a result of practicing the Transcendental Meditation Technique. (more) |
9 April 2011
British chess champion Jonathan Rowson credits his 14-year practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique with preparing him for life at the top of his game. (more) |
7 April 2011
The Maharishi School in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, offering Consciousness-Based Education in Kindergarten through Grade 5, brings many benefits to the students. (more) |
4 April 2011
With the premise that outer depends upon inner, Consciousness-Based Education offers personal sustainability and thus the platform for sustainable living. (more) |
2 April 2011
Maharishi University of Management (MUM) will offer a new opportunity for MBA students to develop knowledge and skills to become professional accountants while growing in enlightenment with Consciousness-Based Education. (more) |