30 July 2012
After starting the Transcendental Meditation program, Valerie Jan Lois experienced positive changes in her life that allowed her to naturally and effortlessly fulfil her desire to create beautiful music professionally. (more) |
27 July 2012
In a lecture from Fiuggi, Italy, Maharishi elaborates on the how the objective scientist and the subjective artist are an inspiration to each other. Both unfold the story of the infinite in creation. (more) |
25 July 2012
Josh Wilson graduated in May 2012 from Maharishi University of Management (MUM), receiving the Outstanding Student Award from the Department of Sustainable Living and the Outstanding Service Award from MUM Alumni Association. (more) |
23 July 2012
Christian Hoffman, a 2011 graduate of Maharishi University of Management, recently completed the construction of a tiny mobile cabin he designed according to the principles of Maharishi Vedic Architecture. (more) |
20 July 2012
Maharishi University of Management and Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment (MSAE) dedicated the Eyre Tennis Center to honor the excellent tennis coaches Laurie and Lawrence Eyre, who were founding faculty of MSAE. (more) |
18 July 2012
Research at Norwich University in Vermont, USA, has found that the Transcendental Meditation technique provides an effective tool to assist students enrolled in a rigorous program of academics and military training. (more) |
16 July 2012
In 1973, the legendary NBC news anchor Edwin Newman interviewed Maharishi Mahesh Yogi for the critically-acclaimed program, 'Speaking Freely'. (more) |
13 July 2012
Maharishi University of Management student Sudevi Mossé is grateful for the help and encouragement she received from her teachers who supported and inspired her interest in filmmaking. (more) |
11 July 2012
In his writings, St John describes experiences that remind us of the experience of transcending during Transcendental Meditation, which is a state of refreshing bliss and unity. (more)
9 July 2012
Donna Jones was recently awarded the Jessamine Verrill Award for her dedication to Maharishi’s knowledge and the development of higher states of consciousness, and the Student Appreciation Award for inspiring students to reach their full potential. (more) |
6 July 2012
Elyse Hamilton-Soares's desire for perfection inspired the Literature Department at Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa, USA, to give her the Outstanding Student Award. (more) |
4 July 2012
After winning top scores at the state Destination ImagiNation creative problem-solving competition, six teams from Maharishi School competed with the world's best teams from 12 countries at the international competition. (more) |
2 July 2012
Dr Craig Pearson has looked at writings from different historical epochs in various parts of the world and has found similar descriptions of the exalted experience of enlightenment. (more) |