August 2013
By practising Transcendental Meditation, one can become empowered from the deepest level within in order to effectively deal with the challenges of life and excel. (more) |
August 2013
Kristi Pohlman found learning to whisper infinity, by becoming a teacher of the Transcendental Meditation technique, was a fulfilling experience, both personally and professionally. (more) |
August 2013
Supriya Vidic became a teacher of the Transcendental Meditation technique because she saw a powerful positive transformation in the lives of veterans who learned TM. (more) |
August 2013
Transcending, the key to unfolding the highest stages of human development, is simple, natural, and effortless with the Transcendental Meditation technique. (more) |
August 2013
Morad Malekghassemi from Tehran, Iran, worked for the United Nations and is now a PhD student at Maharishi University of Management, where he plans to promote the benefits of cultural diversity. (more) |
August 2013
Maharishi University of Management placed four MBA teams in the top 10 out of 103 teams in a recent online business decision-making contest. (more) |
August 2013
The importance of going inward to the source of creativity, happiness and well-being is recommended as the cornerstone of having both a full life and a successful career. (more) |
August 2013
Grammy Award-winning Afghan-American recording artist Omar Akram says Transcendental Meditation has helped his creative process and would also be helpful for students. (more) |
August 2013
Maharishi University of Management students speak highly of their education, which was not only job training but helped develop their total potential from within as a foundation for success and fulfilment. (more) |
August 2013
The damaging effects of a college education can be avoided by attending a university where every aspect has been tailored to support students’ rapid personal growth, good health, and deep learning. (more) |
August 2013
Maharishi University of Management has received four grants to totalling $105,000 to help pay for the renewable energy systems in the Sustainable Living Center. (more)