Excellence in Action resulting from students optimizing brain functioning

His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

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Amine Filmmaker, songwriter, photographer travels world as MUM and TM ambassador
May 2013
Independent filmmaker, Amine Kouider, is an ambassador for Maharishi University of Management (MUM) and the Transcendental Meditation technique as he travels around the world. (more)
aroma oil MUM student, alumni study Maharishi Aroma Therapy in India
May 2013
A student and alumni from Maharishi University of Management studied the use of aroma oils and integrated the knowledge of aroma therapy with Ayurveda and Yoga. (more)
student TM helping students with ADHD in the Caribbean
May 2013
Schools in the Caribbean are beginning to utilize the Transcendental Meditation technique to help students—with ADHD with very positive results. (more)
film Movie by faculty, students wins top awards at film festivals
May 2013
A feature movie, written and directed by Maharishi University of Management faculty and produced by staff with assistance from students in all aspects of production, has recently won top awards at independent film festivals in Iowa, USA. (more)
Dr Peeke Maharishi University of Management hosts conference on consciousness
May 2013
Distinguished speakers at the conference, titled “Our Conscious Future,” discussed how the latest advances in mind, body, society, and the study of consciousness are converging to create new paradigms for humankind. (more)
dr travis Neuroscientist speaks about TM and the brain on tour in Germany
May 2013
Maharishi University of Management neuroscience researcher Fred Travis recently completed a second tour of Germany during which he spoke about the brain and the Transcendental Meditation technique in 10 cities. (more)
flowers MUM professor honored by the Sierra Club
May 2013
David Fisher, head of the Sustainable Living Program at Maharishi University of Management (MUM), was recently presented with an award of appreciation for outstanding achievement by the Sierra Club. (more)
brand lynch Celebrities join forces to bring TM to 1 million at-risk youth
May 2013
David Lynch and Russell Brand joined forces to help bring the Transcendental Meditation technique to one million at-risk youth during the premiere of “Meditation, Creativity and Peace” in Los Angeles, California, in April
. (more)
hands MUM faculty author book chapter on empathy
May 2013
A chapter by Dennis Heaton and Fred Travis, titled "Consciousness, Empathy, and the Brain," will appear in a forthcoming book titled Organizing Through Empathy. (more)
students Maharishi School students receive honors at science fair
May 2013
Four middle school students from the Maharishi School recently won awards at the Eastern Iowa Science and Engineering Fair (EISEF) in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA. (more)
Bagnola Training leaders around the world
May 2013
Jim Bagnola, a corporate educator, international speaker and executive coach to many corporate executives, trains leaders and inspires them to learn the Transcendental Meditation programme to develop their full potential. (more)
expert The advantage of Consciousness-Based Education for career success
May 2013
Nationally known workplace expert Steve Langerud believes that Maharishi Univeristy of Management students are uniquely positioned for career success. (more)
builder Students learn construction skills, build frame for tiny house
May 2013
Students in the Sustainable Living Program at Maharishi University of Management will graduate with a very practical skill: the knowledge and ability to build their own tiny house. (more)
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"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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