30 October 2011
A pioneering school in African education for girls enlivens total brain functioning through the Transcendental Meditation Programme and provides unique effective schooling for success in personal and professional life. (more)
28 October 2011
A new study published in the Journal of Instructional Psychology found the Transcendental Meditation technique significantly decreased psychological distress in public school students. (more) |
26 October 2011
Maharishi University of Management MBA student Vinodthan Nayagar completed a double major in 2011, graduating cum laude and receiving the Outstanding Student Award from the Department of Maharishi Vedic Science. (more)
24 October 2011
Maharishi answers a question asked by a course participant during the August 1970 course on the Science of Creative Intelligence at Humboldt State College in Arcata, California, USA. (more) |
21 October 2011
The 2011 Maharishi School graduates from Fairfield, Iowa, USA, met and exceeded state and national averages in English, math, reading and science on the ACT exams. (more) |
19 October 2011
Students find that starting and ending the school day with the TM Quiet Time programme produces a calm and orderly atmosphere conducive for learning to take place and markedly improves their academic performance and success in life. (more) |
17 October 2011
Manjunath Rao, a PhD student from Maharishi University of Management, received one of two national student-of-the-year awards from the Institute of Management Accountants and the Lean Enterprise Institute. (more)
16 October 2011
Ideally, a college education should prepare a student not just for a career but for life. At MUM, the students develop themselves from the inside out to prepare for living life to its fullest. (more) |
14 October 2011
Bruce Lester, Maharishi University of Management professor of computer science, received the Best Paper Award at the 2011 International Conference of Parallel and Distributed Computing held in London in July. (more)
12 October 2011
New research suggests that practice of the TM-Sidhi Programme stabilizes the experience of pure consciousness while it supports the ability to think and act within the transcendent. (more) |
10 October 2011
The world's leading producer of instructional sports videos is now offering a five-DVD set featuring Lawrence Eyre, Maharishi School's award-winning tennis coach, whose effective approach includes the practice of Transcendental Meditation. (more) |
9 October 2011
Einstein's conviction that nature at its deepest level is unified is being confirmed through the systematic experience of those practicing Transcendental Meditation and through the latest theories of science. (more) |
7 October 2011
After a five-year career in the Army, Eugene Hunt decided to complete a Masters degree at Maharishi University of Management, where he has enjoyed personal growth from his practice of the Transcendental Meditation Programme. (more) |
2 October 2011
A UCLA student reporter asks Maharishi about the role of students in changing the world, how the Transcendental Meditation Technique can improve effectiveness, and the best question of all—What is enlightenment? (more) |