30 December 2010
The words of students receiving Consciousness-Based Education show their natural ability to be nourishing to not only themselves but everyone around them and to fufill their own desires without harming others. (more) |
29 December 2010
Children share their positive experiences of living and studying in buildings built according to the principles of Maharishi Vastu Architecture. (more) |
28 December 2010
Stephen Hopson, a 2010 MA in Maharishi Vedic Science graduate, just completed the manuscript of his first book titled Obstacle Illusions. (more) |
27 December 2010
Valedictorian Joshua Paling, speaking about why he decided to return to college at MUM in Fairfield, Iowa, USA, said, 'I don't normally believe in breaking promises....' (more) |
24 December 2010
Dr Gary Kaplan discusses ‘peak experiences’ and how to culture them by taking some ‘downtime’ with the Transcendental Meditation Technique. (more) |
23 December 2010
Even though she was blind and deaf, Helen Keller experienced a transcendental level of the mind and gave beautiful descriptions of her inner experiences. (more) |
21 December 2010
Maharishi explains that students should receive the taste of Total Knowledge, the experience of Transcendental Consciousness, right in the beginning of their education. (more) |
20 December 2010
David Lynch talks about how the Transcendental Meditation Technique has made his life better, why he feels that ‘every student has got to start meditation', and how his foundation is making this possible. (more) |
17 December 2010
Students at Maharishi Institute enjoyed a special celebration with poetry and a rap song, and related their experiences of being at the Institute. (more) |
16 December 2010
Maharishi University of Management faculty member Dr John Hagelin spoke on connecting to the source of natural law within the individual to bring fulfilment to every cultural tradition. (more) |
13 December 2010
Maharishi University of Management is launching an online distance education programme, offering the University’s courses and Consciousness-Based Education to people all around the world. (more) |
10 December 2010
Practitioners of the Yogic Flying technique speak of the benefits of the practice, the joy and inner silence that becomes integrated with activity. (more) |
9 December 2010
Clinical neuropsychologist Dr William Stixrud discusses the benefits of Transcendental Meditation for children and adolescents experiencing the effects of stress and other health problems. (more) |
6 December 2010
Good news is offered to every student, parent, and educator in the form of Consciousness-Based Education, which develops total brain potential to create perfection in life. (more) |
3 December 2010
Ben Foster, one of America’s most intelligent, sensitive, and versatile young actors, credits his daily Transcendental Meditation practice with helping him be creative. (more) |
1 December 2010
A new book by MUM alumnus Steven Yellin and Fairfield resident Buddy Biancalana offers a cutting-edge programme for athletes to reach their highest level of performance. (more) |