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30 September 2011
Maharishi School, Fairfield, Iowa, USA, expanded its boarding program and brought in 12 new boarding students, who have now begun classes at the Upper School and are living with families in Fairfield. (more) |
28 September 2011
The visibility of Maharishi University of Management's academic work took a big step forward, due to MUM's presentations at the annual conference of the Academy of Management in San Antonio, Texas, USA. (more) |
26 September 2011
Maharishi School in Skelmersdale, Lancashire, England, has been granted Free School status by the Department for Education and will provide uniquely effective Consciousness-Based Education for students. (more) |
24 September 2011
Transcendental Meditation can help reduce crime, criminal aggression, and violence, while simultaneously removing the effects of stress and restoring balanced brain functioning in TM practitioners. (more) |
22 September 2011
Liis Mattik, a native of Estonia, received a a PhD in Physiology from Maharishi University of Management (MUM), Fairfield, Iowa, USA, this year and is now an outstanding MUM faculty member. (more) |
21 September 2011
By attuning the life of the individual to ‘cosmic law’, Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique allows the individual to create good karma for himself and an influence of good for all. (more) |
19 September 2011
Of 174 new students at Maharishi University of Management, 70 are interested in focusing their studies on Maharishi Vedic Science, because they want to go deeply into this profound knowledge. (more) |
16 September 2011
Setting a beautiful, evolutionary direction for herself,
Brooke Hadfield has created an individualized Maharishi University of Management degree in Consciousness-Based Leadership with a specialization in Women’s Leadership Studies. (more) |
14 September 2011
The mother of a boy with Asperger’s Syndrome reports the remarkable improvements, both in school and at home, that her son has enjoyed since he began practising Transcendental Meditation. (more) |
12 September 2011
Dr Richard Beall, Principal of Maharishi School, Fairfield, Iowa, USA, describes 'the magic that comes from taking time to transcend, to tend to the neurophysiological basis of learning'. (more) |
9 September 2011
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi answers questions about the settled state of the mind, Transcendental Consciousness, and how it becomes permanent. (more) |
7 September 2011
Dr Rod Eason received this year’s Veda Vyasa Prize from Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa, USA, given to the PhD student with the most significant research. (more) |
5 September 2011
The Transcendental Meditation (TM) Quiet Time programme, a practical, highly effective programme for raising student performance, is lauded by educators in New Zealand. (more) |
3 September 2011
Fall can be a stressful time for students, according to clinical psychologist and author Robert Puff, Ph.D., who writes for Psychology Today and recommends Transcendental Meditation as a way to ease stress. (more) |
2 September 2011
A team from the Accounting MBA class at Maharishi University of Management (MUM), Fairfield, Iowa, USA, recently placed first in a nationwide business simulation competition, which tested integrated decision-making skills. (more) |
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