30 April 2012
The extraordinary—and extraordinarily natural—experiences that William Wordsworth based his famous poems on need not be left to chance. With the Transcendental Meditation Technique, they are now available to everyone. (more) |
27 April 2012
A team of four Maharishi University of Management students was selected as one of six finalists a 10-state clean technology business plan competition that awarded $100,000 in business startup funding. (more) |
25 April 2012
Maharishi University of Management faculty neuroscientist Fred Travis spoke to students in Illinois and California, USA, about how stress affects the brain and how the Transcendental Meditation Technique helps. (more) |
23 April 2012
Young students put their positive feelings about their school’s programme, Quiet Time with Transcendental Meditation, into song while their innovative principal explains the boon of the programme for the children and the community. (more) |
20 April 2012
Maharishi University of Management President Dr Bevan Morris took a three-month 14-nation tour of Africa, where he spoke about Consciousness-Based education to educators and government leaders and met with those practising the Transcendental Meditation Technique. (more) |
18 April 2012
Dr Schneider, Dean of Maharishi College of Perfect Health, was invited along with other top medical scientists in the US to address the issue of the impact of stress on daily life in the individual physiology and in society. (more) |
16 April 2012
Maharishi described Being as the absolute element at the basis of the entire creation, and he predicted that someday theoretical physicists would also establish this basis of creation in a unified field theory. (more) |
13 April 201
Award-winning director and Founder and Chairman of the David Lynch Foundation wants to ensure that all children, who want to, can learn the Transcendental Meditation Techinque. (more) |
11 April 2012
At age 77, José Gutierrez has inspired 18 members of his extended family to practise the Transcendental Meditation Technique, and knows from experience the many benefits. (more) |
9 April 2012
Science graduate Heather Levi Podoll says that the development of consciousness will help people make life-supporting decisions for themselves and the environment. (more) |
6 April 2012
Maharishi University of Management computer science and mathematics professor Paul Corazza has brought his experience from an 18-month working sabbatical in the IT industry back to the classroom. (more) |
4 April 2012
It wasn’t until they became friends at Maharishi University of Management, Iowa, USA, that Assistant Professor Ye Linlin Shi and MUM administrator Bei Eric Liu—both from China—discovered they were 3rd cousins. (more) |
2 April 2012
In a recent national broadcast, Dr John Hagelin spoke about a variety of topics including the importance of raising the collective consciousness of the people through meditation in order to elevate society. (more) |