29 January 2009
A study coauthored by University faculty members on brain integration in world-class athletes and managers concluded that Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation technique improves brain integration and would enhance performance. |
28 January 2009
Student of Maharishi Vidya Mandir Ratanpur, Arunima Rai, has been awarded a scholarship and her work was pronounced the best by the National Bal Vigyan Congress. |
27 January 2009
Maharishi explains that the desire for knowledge has always been there, only the measuring of that desire has only started recently. |
26 January 2009
Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Programme was made available to the students and staff of a school district in Arizona, USA. The students enjoyed at wide range of benefits—from better academic performance to greater happiness to lowered blood pressure. |
23 January 2009
Our task of creating coherence in collective consciousness is reduced through the enlivenment of total Natural Law by groups practising Yogic Flying in the areas of different languages. |
21 January 2009
Maharishi explains how Total Natural Law is enlivened by children learning in their Mother Tongue and practising Yogic Flying, which creates coherence in national consciousness and automation in administration for the government. |
20 January 2009
Maharishi urges students to tell their parents, teachers, and mayor of their city about the principles of Maharishi Sthapatya Veda. |
19 January 2009
Only a few days after beginning Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation in her school, director Nancy Spillane knew that the introduction of the programme had made a difference, doing exactly what the research had indicated it would do. She has set a goal of bringing TM to as many children in her county as possible. |
16 January 2009
Maharishi speaks about total brain functioning and gaining control over gravity during Yogic Flying. |
15 January 2009
Maharishi explains the parallel rise of understanding about consciousness and the Unified Field of Natural Law as the unified basis of all the diverse expressions in creation. |
13 January 2009
Practising Transcendental Meditation twice daily at school, middle school students reduced their stress and anxiety by 50% and improved ADHD symptoms as well, according to a new study. |
12 January 2009
Maharishi International University (now Maharishi University of Management) was established in the United States, to serve as a model of higher education in the world. |
9 January 2009
Testimonials of students and alumni from the Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment in Fairfield, Iowa, USA, reveal why parents feel it offers "the best education for any child in the world". |
7 January 2009
Maharishi explains how introducing the experience of self-referral pure consciousness, Total Knowledge, in education will create a generation of enlightened citizens in every country, who will naturally be the guiding light of their society. |
6 January 2009
Maharishi emphasizes the importance of silence and Total Knowledge for complete and fulfilling education. |
5 January 2009
A review of different disciplines shows that while all embrace the goal of creating happiness and fulfilment in life, they are not successful in achieving their high ideal. By adding to each subject the study and direct experience of the deepest level of life through Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Programme, each subject and education as a whole are brought to fulfilment. |
2 January 2009
Maharishi’s Vedic Science, knowledge of the eternal basis of life, is rising to reconstruct our modern civilization and create Heaven on Earth. |