30 April 2010
Everyone’s life requires management. Whether one is managing a business, government, family, or simply one's personal life, management skills are of significant value. (more) |
28 April 2010
Two Maharishi School sophomores recently won the Iowa Junior Academy of Science award, and in March they also swept the top prizes at the earlier Eastern Iowa State Science Fair as well as the State Science and Technology Fair of Iowa. (more) |
27 April 2010
The Transcendental Meditation Technique provides the experience of 'restful alertness', which reduces stress, strengthens communication between the brain’s prefrontal cortex and different areas of the brain, and develops total brain functioning. (more) |
26 April 2010
A young student describes how she went from living a ‘destructive lifestyle’ and feeling frustrated and empty to living in a bright world of ‘freedom, fulfilment, and happiness’ after learning Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique.
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23 April 2010
Maharishi defines genius as a natural creative individual—one who does less and accomplishes more; he has clear consciousness and does not encounter obstacles or resistance. (more) |
21 April 2010
Maharishi speaks about the nature of enlightenment, in which we function in such a way that every thought has within it the total intelligence of Natural Law for mistake-free life. (more) |
20 April 2010
A new documentray shows Father Gabriel’s work in Colombia transforming the lives of thousands of children by providing shelter, love, and the Transcendental Meditation technique.(more) |
19 April 2010
Representatives from Maharishi School, Fairfield, Iowa, recently returned from New York City where they accepted first prize and $50,000 of technology in Samsung’s Four Seasons of Hope essay contest. (more) |
16 April 2010
A young student from Germany sings the question, ‘Why Fairfield, Io-why?’ With answers offered by a filmmaker, artist, scientist, and businessman, ‘Soon you know why.’ (more) |
15 April 2010
Maharishi explains why he came out from the Himalayas to bring Transcendental Meditation to the world. (more) |
14 April 2010
With a background in theatre, Ashley Smith has become a Sustainable Living major at Maharishi University of Management, where she is developing her own full potential through the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programmes. (more) |
12 April 2010
Students from the Maharishi School, Fairfield, Iowa, USA, won honors at the Iowa High School Speech Association All-State Festival, and National Science Competition, and the Mathcounts chapter-level competition. (more) |
9 April 2010
The students and staff of a California middle school relate their experiences with the Transcendental Meditation Programme.
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8 April 2010
As part of their degree programme, students of the Sustainable Living programme at Maharishi University of Management built from scratch a wind generator. (more) |
6 April 2010
Noah and Celeste Siemsen spearheaded the redesign of the website with the goaol to create a direct and simple site that reflects the school and the student’s experience going through it. (more) |
5 April 2010
Scientific research on the Transcendental Meditation Technique and personal recommendation verify the benefits of the technique for teachers and school administrators: greater inner stability; resistance to stress; and increased field independence for more effective teaching. (more) |
2 April 2010
By allowing the mind to penetrate beyond thought to the level of the ‘Aha’ moment, the Transcendental Meditation Technique provides a systematic method to increase creativity and scientific breakthroughs. (more) |