28 November 2008
Maharishi’s explains how Transcendental Meditation and the Transcendental Meditation Programme frees life from struggle and suffering and brings life fully in accord with Natural Law |
26 November 2008
Amy Greenfield, Maharishi University of Management (M.U.M) graduate, is one of the first developers to blend sustainable technology with Maharishi Sthapatya Veda design. |
25 November 2008
During the Global Utopia Assembly held in The Hague, Netherlands, in January 1985, Maharishi inaugurated Maharishi Vedic University based on the complete knowledge of the Unified Field of Natural Law. |
24 November 2008
In the Global Inauguration of Vedic Studies, Maharishi explained how the rise of the full value of Natural Law brings freedom to every individual and invincibility to the nation. |
21 November 2008
Maharishi defines the nature of consciousness, and the value of the full development of consciousness through the Transcendental Meditation Programme. |
19 November 2008
Maharishi presents the understanding of one verse of Rk Veda, which unifies all knowledge of the Laws of Nature discovered by modern science. |
18 November 2008
After teaching around the world, Joanna Pitt, returned to the Maharishi School to teach and is enjoying the relaxed, happy atmosphere, where children are excited to learn. |
17 November 2008
Maharishi explains that the key element of Vedic Education is that it gives Total Knowledge to the students. The result is that their thoughts are supported by total Natural Law, allowing their intentions to be actualized without hard work. |
14 November 2008
Raja John Hagelin speaks about the new university of Total Knowledge currently being built at the center of the United States. |
12 November 2008
In explanation of how Transcendental Meditation can improve the economy, government, and virtually all areas of life Maharishi uses the analogy, 'Water the root to enjoy the fruit.' Bring the attention to the source of life and thereby nourish all aspects of life. |
11 November 2008
Maharishi speaks about giving Total Knowledge to the children in every country for freedom from suffering and the invincibility of every nation. |
10 November 2008
Maharishi gave this inspiring talk on Vedic Science to a World Peace Assembly in France in August 1980. |
7 November 2008
Student's perfect health is achievable through Consciousness-Based Education, which educates children to be established in the Self, the home of all the Laws of Nature, through the simple, regular practice of Transcendental Meditation. |
5 November 2008
The poetry teacher at Maharishi School in Lancashire, England, was recognized by the British National Poetry Society for her ability to inspire her students to write extraordinary poetry. |
4 November 2008
During the National Summit on Student Health and Education, several of principals, assistant principals, and students gave inspiring speeches about the value of the Transcendental Meditation Programme. |
3 November 2008
Modern science speaks for the reality of objective existence. Maharishi's Vedic Science and the Transcendental Meditation Programme 'speak for the fields of subjectivity and objectivity both together.' |