31 October 2008
The BA in Business at Maharishi Univerisity of Management develops human consciousness for effective, ethical, and environmental sustainability in the world’s varied cultural and business settings. |
29 October 2008
Maharishi speaks about creating enlightened individuals through Vedic Science, the most comprehensive science of life. |
28 October 2008
The National Summit on Student Health and Education in the Classroom drew 375 educators and other leaders of society to its recent conference in New York City. |
27 October 2008
Three students from the Maharishi University of Management (M.U.M.) Sustainability Programme—the first of its kind in the United States—make their own contribution to the sustainability of the M.U.M. campus. |
24 October 2008
When one's awareness experiences the field of pure knowledge, individual awareness becomes Cosmic Awareness, the field of pure knowledge itself. In that state, human awareness is the cosmic basis of all life, fully awake within itself. |
22 October 2008
Kathy Juline from Science of Mind Magazine interviewed Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in November 1993, about the nature of the settled mind. |
21 October 2008
Recently, Dr Ashley Deans, Executive Director of Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment, spoke about the achievements of Maharishi School students. |
20 October 2008
During the Inauguration of Maharishi Vedic University for Europe, on 11 January 1985, Maharishi explained in more detail the value of Vedic Study. |
16 October 2008
Meditating secondary school students practicing Transcendental Meditation show significant reductions in anxiety, emotional problems, hyperactivity, and improved overall mental health after an average of four months. |
15 October 2008
Maharishi explains how good luck is cultured by right action, and how right action spontaneously develops when one attunes oneself with cosmic law through Vedic Education. |
14 October 2008
Improving academic achievements and reducing stress, anxiety, depression, and learning disorders through the Quiet Time/Transcendental Meditation Programme. |
13 October 2008
The knowledge of Transcendental Consciousness is the foundation of education, because knowledge of the Absolute is basic to the knowledge of any field of life. |
10 October 2008
For the health and well-being of everyone on campus, Maharishi University of Management serves only organic vegetarian meals in the dining hall. |
8 October 2008
Maharishi explains man's unique status whereby he can directly experience, enliven, and apply the Unified Field of Natural Law to life. |
7 October 2008
Maharishi explains how the Science of Creative Intelligence fulfils the ancient and modern goals of education by opening Transcendental Consciousness to everyone. |
6 October 2008
Governments, though plagued by problems, are simply the innocent mirror of the collective consciousness of the nation and can therefore be helped by groups of students and others whose practise of Yogic Flying raises the collective consciousness. |
2 October 2008
The experiencing transcendental, pure consciousness is the basis of learning, the foundation of all knowledge, because it opens the awareness of the student to the home of all the Laws of Nature for all success and fulfilment in life. |
1 October 2008
A programme in pre-medicine that prepares students to enter medical school will be offered at Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa, beginning next semester (January 2009). |