30 September 2008
Maharishi explains how to enliven the transcendental level of speech for all possibilities and bliss to be expressed in thought, speech, and action. |
29 September 2008
Students from Maharishi University of Management (M.U.M.) campus in Beijing, China, recently arrived in Fairfield, Iowa, USA, for the third and fourth years of their MBA programme. |
26 September 2008
During a Global Press Conference, Maharishi responded to a question from a Dutch student on how students can create a peaceful, better world. |
24 September 2008
Through Maharishi's Science of Creative Intelligence a student can rise to the highest level of human development, in which all values of life are unified as a single wholeness in one's awareness. |
23 September 2008
Students of Maharishi Invincibility Institute in Johannesburg, South Africa, celebrate the gift to the Institute of the Ezemvelo Nature Reserve by Nicky and Strilli Oppenheimer. |
22 September 2008
Maharishi explains how the different languages, cultures, and Laws of Nature have their common source in the universal value of Natural Law, the ultimate reality of our own Self. |
18 September 2008
Enrolment at Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa, USA, continues to surge with many new students enrolling this fall in both undergraduate students and graduate programmes. |
17 September 2008
Maharishi explains the benefits of Vedic Education—to create perfection in all areas of life. |
16 September 2008
In this profound talk by Maharishi, he reveals in greater detail the nature of Veda. When the awareness is open to the Veda, it gains the lively potential of Natural Law. |
15 September 2008
Dr Robert Roth, National Director of Expansion for the Global Country of World Peace in the United States, reports on his recent visit to a Native American tribe in Nebraska. |
12 September 2008
Maharishi gives a beautiful description of the Transcendental Meditation Technique and strongly urges educators to implement it in their curricula. |
11 September 2008
Maharishi explains how, by gaining both direct experience and intellectual knowledge of the growth of consciousness, a student appreciates the relationship between all academic disciplines. |
10 September 2008
Maharishi outlines how his Absolute Theory of Education will bring enlightenment to every individual and put an end to ignorance and suffering. |
9 September 2008
In a recent Global Family Chat on the Maharishi Channel, Raja Jose Luis Alvarez, Raja of Latin America, reported on awards given to Consciousness-Based Education schools during ceremonies in Ecuador. |
5 September 2008
Maharishi reveals that the missing fundamental in education is the knowledge and experience of consciousness. |
4 September 2008
Maharishi explains that the Science of Creative Intelligence provides knowledge of the deep level of intelligence that is the origin of everything. |
3 September 2008
Dr David Lynch and Donovan visit a school in Brazil where 3,500 students have learnt the Transcendental Meditation Technique, funded by the David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace. |
2 September 2008
Maharishi reveals the value of education at Maharishi University of Management. |