31 December 2008
Maharishi outlines how Vedic Science connects the individual and the universe, resulting in the feeling that ‘the whole world is my family’. |
30 December 2008
Professor Andrew Bargerstock loves teaching courses in the Accounting Professionals MBA programme in the wonderful academic environment at Maharishi University of Management. |
29 December 2008
In a Global Press Conference on 14 March 2007, Dr Bevan Morris, President of Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa, spoke about the value and influence of developing the full potential of consciousness through Consciousness-Based Education. |
26 December 2008
Mediation skills came naturally to a group of students at Maharishi Univerisity of Management, Fairfield, Iowa, USA, due to their practice of Transcendental Meditation. |
23 December 2008
Maharishi answers a student's question about how to be sure the world they will inherit will be a world of peace and tranquility. |
22 December 2008
Following their six-week tour of India and many presentations on Maharishi's Vedic Science and total brain development, Drs Alarik and Cynthia Arenander have set a goal of 100,000 Indian students learning Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation. They are happy to announce recent strides in reaching this target. |
19 December 2008
Maharishi explains that when consciousness is able to create anything it desires, then the ultimate awakening of enlightenment comes: consciousness is the essential constituent of all the expressions in creation. |
18 December 2008
Opening soon, since renovations are almost completed, the Maharishi Academy of Total Knowledge in Antrim, New Hampshire, USA, will offer Consciousness-Based high school education for boys. |
16 December 2008
Maharishi speaks about the fundamental importance of the knowledge of consciousness in education. |
15 December 2008
Understanding the name 'Maharishi Vedic University' offers insight into the significance of this university, a university of consciousness. By providing the fruit of all knowledge—mistake-free, problem-free life—to its students, such a university makes higher education truly meaningful. |
12 December 2008
The second article in which Maharishi compares the different principles guiding modern science and Maharishi Vedic Science |
10 December 2008
Maharishi presents the difference in modes of gaining knowledge in modern science and Maharishi Vedic Science. |
9 December 2008
University alumnus David Leffler recently gave a briefing about Invincible Defense Technology at a conference for military and law enforcement-related personnel in Washington, DC. |
8 December 2008
Maharishi speaks about the 'meeting point' of consciousness and physiology. |
5 December 2008
Filmmaker Tony Perri has produced a documentary on the Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment, a model school of Consciousness-Based Education in Fairfield, Iowa, USA, that has enjoyed great academic and athletic success. |
4 December 2008
Maharishi Vedic University, and all Consciousness-Based schools, bring Total Knowledge to the student, giving him the 'fruit of all knowledge', mistake-free, problem-free life, life fully supported by Cosmic Intelligence. |
2 December 2008
Maharishi explains the abstract structure and functioning of consciousness within itself. |
1 December 2008
Maharishi speaks about Vedic Science, the science of pure knowledge and its organizing power. |