29 January 2008
Every child has a brain with the potential to grasp the functioning of the entire universe as the functioning of their own Being, with the organizing power to achieve any goal, and live a happy, problem-free life, in which every decision is right, and their very existence uplifts the whole society.
28 January 2008
Alumni of Maharishi University of Management are now using the knowledge and benefits they gained from their enlightened education. These graduates discuss their experience and insights. |
26 January 2008
A new revival of the ancient Vedic approach to health provides students with an effective way to enliven the body’s inner intelligence for long, healthy, happy, enlightened life. |
23 January 2008
Regular practice of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation brings improved learning ability, decreased stress and tension, and greater self-development. |
22 January 2008
Maharishi Consciousness-Based Education is now successfully established in many countries around the world. These innovative programmes are dramatically enriching the effectiveness of standard education, and more importantly, they are bringing fulfilment, inner peace, and happiness to each student. |
21 January 2008
The purpose of education will be fulfilled when the the very basis of knowledge, the knower, is experienced and understood. A complete knowledge of reality must include Transcendental Consciousness, the Self of every student, the unmanifest aspect of life. |
18 January 2008
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi reveals the formula for educators to experience pure consciousness, gain mastery of their own destiny, and create world peace. |
17 January 2008
In schools offering Maharishi Consciousness-Based Education students study consciousness, the simplest form of their own awareness, both through direct experience and the Science of Creative Intelligence, which presents knowledge of the Unified Field, infinite creativity and intelligence, at the basis of creation. |
16 January 2008
Five alumni from Great Britain's Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment describe how their experience at the Maharishi School and their practise of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Programme positively effected their lives. |
14 January 2008
Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Programme has an unparalleled ability to create relaxed alertness in students and to create safe learning environments. |
11 January 2008
As parents and educators search for options and alternatives, groundbreaking research is showing the effectiveness of the Transcendental Meditation technique, a non-drug approach to ADHD. |
9 January 2008
The David Lynch Foundation provides funds for programmes utilizing Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation technique as a stress-reducing tool for students, teachers and parents. The Foundation also provides funds for independent research institutions to assess the effects of the programme on creativity, intelligence, brain functioning, academic performance, ADHD and other learning disorders, as well as anxiety, depression, and substance abuse. |
7 January 2008
Maharishi School in England offers an ideal system of education, where not only the intellect is satisfied, but the basis of the intellect, the field of pure intelligence, the source and basis of life, will be fully realised by everyone. The result will be a life that is not baseless, but one that has a profound basis in the lively field of all possibilities. Alumni look back at their experience of this supreme system of education. |
6 January 2008
The knowledge that Maharishi is offering in his Absolute Theory of Education can transform an ignorant man into a fully enlightened man, blossoming in his infinite creativity. The nature of life is to evolve, and if a system of education is in accordance with the nature of life, it will allow everyone to evolve without loss of time and energy. |
5 January 2008
The problems we confront in society today are human problems, caused in large part by the underutilization of our most precious resource, which is our human resource. Hundreds of scientific studies on Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation program and more than 30 years of classroom experience clearly indicate that Consciousness-Based Education can make education complete and can help transform our problem-ridden society into one that is healthy, harmonious, and productive. |
4 January 2008
Dr Fred Travis, Director of the Center for Brain, Consciousness, and Cognition at Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa gives an interview on developing the full potential of a child’s brain. |
2 January 2008
Three alumnui from the Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment in Great Britain describe how the Maharishi School and their practise of the Transcendental Meditation Programme positively affected their lives. |
1 January 2008
David Lynch gives a poignant message to educators, parents, and all those desirous of creating a better quality of life and education for their children and students. |