Excellence in Action resulting from students optimizing brain functioning

His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Maharishi Speaks to Students and Educators
Excerpts from Maharishi's Books
Today's Quote


How to calm down successfully
22 September 2024
Deep within you is a field of silent peace that you can access easily with Transcendental Meditation, and studies have found evidence of deep rest, inner peace, stress reduction, and anxiety reduction from regular practice of the technique. (more)

EIMAN TM is the game changer: A conversation with Laura Eiman, gold medalist in Olympic Weightlifting
23 April 2024
Laura Eiman points out that one of the key techniques that enabled her success in sports and acheiving her life goals is the Transcendental Meditation (TM) practice.  (more)
meditator Transcendental Meditation improves memory and cognition
3 March 2024
Research studies show that by improving brain functioning, Transcendental Meditation supports vibrant alertness, focus, and comprehension throughout life, even as we age. (more)
book A book that can change your life
10 February 2024
Consciousness Is All There Is by Dr. Tony Nader reveals the fundamentals of happiness, health, and fulfillment in a life well-lived and shows how to accomplish it. (more)
Maharishi Origins of the Transcendental Meditation technique--Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
12 January 2024
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was inspired to share with the world a simple, natural meditation technique for every human being to develop their consciousness. (more)
girl smiling How to find bliss in everyday life
15 December 2023
By experiencing an expanded state of inner silence and bliss consciousness within us through the Transcendental Meditation technique, we can cultivate more joy and clarity in our lives. (more)
TMing woman Transcendental Meditation brings balance to life
13 November 2023
Two women describe how practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique has affected their job and life experiences. (more)
student Transcendental Meditation improves students’ academic performance
23 October 2023
Denise Denniston Gerace, author of of “The Transcendental Meditation TM Book: How to Enjoy the Rest of Your Life” with a Ph.D. in Philosophy of Education, discusses the benefits of Transcendental Meditation for students. (more)
Tara TM--an unparalled tool for women who make music
7 October 2023
Canadian Tara De Santis talks about her experience as a successful, popular songwriter/singer/musician who practices the Transcendental Meditation technique. (more)
family Family life supports an individual’s evolution to universality
24 September 2023
The dynamics of healthy family life can inspire a more inclusive, expanded awareness growing to embrace universal values and encompass the whole of total reality. (more)
nurse The benefits of TM for nursing students and nurses
8 September 2023
An interview with researcher pioneer Dr. Aquino-Russell, RN, MN, PhD, describes the benefits of the Transcendental Meditation program for nurses and nursing students. (more)
brain Total brain development
23 August 2023
With regular practice of the Transcendental Meditation programme it is possible to enliven total brain functioning for the enrichment of all aspects of life. (more)
Andrew Becoming a Maharishi Vastu Architect
14 August 2023
Maharishi International University (MIU) alumnus, Andrew Rushing is on the path to becoming a Maharishi Vastu Architect and will attend attend Maharishi Vastu Architecture Training in Nepal. (more)
student College students and stress
3 August 2023
The Transcendental Meditation technique can be an effective antidote for the overwhelming stressors of college life, according to a new research study. (more)
Unified Field Meditation: A technology for peace and social change
24 July 2023
Meditation is a means for each of us to make a powerful, personal contribution to the collective peace and coherence, strengthening life in the way that’s needed most—from within. (more)
relationship Healthy relationships
13 July 2023
The Transcendental Meditation technique restores, heals and nourishes one’s inner self—allowing us to give more to others, creating fulfilling relationships. (more)
TMer Experiencing inner peace and calm
3 July 2023
The Transcendental Meditation technique is an effortless simple practice that enables the mind to settle down and experience inner peace and live it as a permanent reality.  (more)
work Attain work/life balance
25 June 2023
Transcendental Meditation can help you achieve a healthier balance of your work and life by reducing your stress level and increasing your energy and ability to focus productively. (more)
Tara Consciousness in music
13 June 2023
The Maharishi International University Alumni Office presented the Alumni Distinction and Service Award to Tara De Santis, who has released over 15 songs and will be debuting her first studio album later this year. (more)
eagle Let your creativity soar
3 June 2023
Restored physical health brought about by the Transcendental Meditation practice dissolves physiological, mental, and emotional blocks to creativity allowing our creativity to flow. (more)
peaceful world TM can help end the epidemic of violence
21 May 2023
The Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique was proven in stressful environments to reduce violence and violent relapses in individuals such as students in inner-city schools, veterans, and prisoners.  (more)
nurse Nurses reduced burnout with TM
12 May 2023
A study showed that the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique helped to reduce compassion fatigue and burnout in a group of 27 nurses, and many more studies verify that TM relieves stress. (more)
glove Collective consciousness: Are we interconnected by an underlying field?
1 May 2023
Since the beginning of recorded history, sages have reported experiencing a transcendental field of oneness, the source and substance of everything. (more)
art Increasing creativity
21 April 2023
With regular practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique one's creativity flows more easily and one can accomplish more without stress. (more)
growth The nature of life is to grow
12 April 2023
The Transcendental Meditation technique is a natural and effortless way to enhance our growth and enliven all our creativity by awakening our inner potential. (more)
Therapist TM benefits mental health
4 April 2023
Psychologists and psychotherapists often suggest the Transcendental Meditation (TM) course to their clients because it reduces stress significantly, relieving the mind and emotions of the debilitating effects of stress. (more)
tm Finding the sacred in the TM experience
27 March 2023
The fascinating results of research on the experience of the sacred by graduate nurses during Transcendental Meditation were published in the International Journal of Human Caring. (more)
fl,owrs A better map to resilience
19 March 2023
The Transcendental Meditation technique has been shown to increase resilience and significantly reduce anxiety, while decreasing burnout and traumatic stress.  (more)
dr edwards MIU professor publishes research on Ayurveda
10 March 2023
MIU professor, Marc Edwards, MD, recently published a research paper that reveals Ayurvedic consultations may provide holistic health benefits and improvement in chronic conditions with minimal risk of harm. (more)
luke MIU alumnus becoming a corporate trainer
3 March 2023
Luke Hillis, Maharishi International University (MIU) alumnus of the MBA programme, is in his dream profession as a corporate trainer at Cambridge Investment and Research. (more)
eva MIU alumna is director and artist
25 February 2023
Maharishi International University alumna Eva Saint Denis has a BA in media and communications and is now enrolled in MIU's online low-residency MFA, while she works in the MIU Alumni Office as director. (more)
Meditator How Transcendental Meditation can reduce depression
17 February 2023
The Transcendental Meditation technique is the most well-researched technique for the reduction of both stress and depression. (more)
happy 2 Heart-full relationships
9 February 2023
Many published research studies have shown that the Transcendental Meditation technique settles the mind and nourishes us from within, enabling us to be more giving to others. (more)
happy Happy heart, healthy heart
2 February 2023
Transcendental Meditation can expand our capacity to love and to create happy relationships by reducing stress and anxiety—which not only can cause heart disease directly, but which also inhibit the flow of love. (more)
school The duty of society is the development of consciousness
25 January 2023
Society should adopt and provide any measure that is known to prevent and reduce discord and violence among its citizens. (more)
nurses Transcendental Meditation reduces healthcare worker burnout
18 January 2023
A recently published study showed that Transcendental Meditation was helpful to healthcare workers and mitigated their symptoms of exhaustion from overwork. (more)
unified field Enlightenment and Transcendental Meditation
11 January 2023
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has said that enlightenment naturally unfolds in a simple, natural way with the regular practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique. (more)
sprouts New Year’s resolutions: planting seeds
4 January 2023
The experience of expanded consciousness during the practice of Transcendental Meditation is a fertile field that brings effective thinking for the fulfillment of our resolutions. (more)
performer Relationship between brain coherence and exceptional performance
26 December 2022
Published research shows that the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique generates the degree of brain wave coherence associated with outstanding performance. (more)
heart It’s always the season of giving
19 December 2022
Research indicates that the process of giving to others can enhance our physical and mental health. Transcendental Meditation helps dissolve stress that hampers our ability to give generously. (more)
TMer Six reasons to practice Transcendental Meditation
12 December 2022
An article by Calin Carlson in Women's Health Magazine outlined six scientifically proven ways the Transcendental Meditation technique can benefit your life. (more)
singer MIU student is poet, songwriter, musician
5 December 2022
Elaina Whitesell is a poet and musician currently pursuing a MFA in Creative Writing at Maharishi International University (MIU) that would allow her to teach and to build her musical career. (more)
Michael Finding fulfillment in action
28 November 2022
Michael Fitzgerald has a Masters in Software Development from Maharishi International University, and now has a job as a software developer, is a a USA Hockey on-ice official and competes in amateur golf tournaments. (more)
Collier From actor to writer and director
21 November 2022
With experience acting, Maharishi International University student Collier Bickel is now studying writing, and his goal is to work in the entertainment industry as a writer, director, and producer. (more)
Rachel MIU alumna is writer, teacher, manager
14 November 2022
Maharishi International University (MIU) alumna Rachel Lansk enjoys communicating with people and helping them solve their problems with mediation and Transcendental Meditation. (more)
Bijay Aspiring to unseen heights
7 November 2022
Bijay Shrestha from Nepal feels Maharishi International University is the best thing that ever happened for his career, and Transcendental Meditation helped him succeed with his heavy academic load. (more)
nisha Providing Consciousness-Based development
1 November 2022
Nisha Joshi Miglani has started a nonprofit foundation in Chicago with the goal of providing Consciousness-Based self-development and healthcare programs to individuals with high levels of stress. (more)
Victor Personal and business growth through Consciousness-Based Education
25 October 2022
Victor Zhao, who enrolled in Maharishi International University’s MBA/PhD programs in China at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, wants to promote Consciousness-Based Education and the Transcendental Meditation technique in China. (more)
sauravi MIU student succeeding as software engineer
18 October 2022
Sauravi Thapa from Nepal is earning a MS in Maharishi International University's Computer Science Programme while working as a senior software engineer. (more)
happy Optimism: How to be more positive about life
11 October 2022
Published research on people around the world who learned the TM technique has shown benefits that correlate with optimism. (more)
michael Problem solving with diversified knowledge
4 October 2022
Michael Girma Abayneh, a Maharishi International University (MIU) student in the Master’s in Software Development programme, says that computer science makes all his previous education meaningful. (more)
candace Artist and integrative medicine practitioner
25 September 2022
Candace Miller has opened her own integrative primary practice, incorporating the Ayurvedic knowledge she has gained at Maharishi International University on the Maharishi Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine programme. (more)
art Exploring identity through art
14 September 2022
In his artwork, Maharishi International University alumnus Taj Matumbi explores his identity as a biracial person through Black history and his personal experiences. (more)
agriculture Reimagining agriculture
7 September 2022
After Dean Menigoz receives his MS in Regenerative Organic Agriculture from Maharishi International University, he would like a job where he can combine his experience in technology and design with his interest in ecological systems. (more)
cooking Feeling nurtured with Ayurvedic cooking
27 August 2022
In a for-credit course at Maharishi International Univeristy,, (MIU) students feel nourished and empowered by learning and practicing Ayurvedic food preparation and the principles associated with it. (more)
sheep MIU alumni raises sheep under solar panels
20 August 2022
Emily Mauntel received BS in regenerative organic agriculture from Maharishi International University and has been raising a flock of sheep under the university's solar panels. (more)

Humanitarian software developer
13 August 2022
Samuel Tumdedo hopes to use his software development skills to work with humanitarian organizations and contribute to educational systems in underdeveloped countries. (more)


MSAE What is the purpose of education?
6 August 2022
The Interim Head of Maharishi School, Nuwaira Pasha, describes how Maharishi School fulfills the the purpose of education by preparing a child for life and unlocking their potential and creativity. (more)
Ymane Maharishi Ayurveda student is clinic manager
30 July 2022
Ymane Lakhlif is pursuing a master’s degree in Maharishi AyurVeda and Integrative Medicine at Maharishi International University, while she also operations manager of the Doshi Center for Integrative Medicine. (more)
dr ho Ancient Chinese philosophical literature in light of Maharishi Vedic Science
23 July 2022
Yick Oi Janet Ho has researched the the principles of Maharishi Vedic Science found in the Dao De Jing and has discovered consciousness factors in ancient Chinese philosophies. (more)
melissa Creating content for personal growth
16 July 2022
Melissa Melchor from El Paso, Texas, gained the skills and self-confidence to achieve her dreams as she earned her Bachelor degree in Applied Arts and Sciences at Maharishi International University. (more)
Samuel Outstanding computer science student
9 July 2022
Samuel Bartolome Valiente from Spain graduated frm Maharishi International University (MIU) this June with an Outstanding Student Award and a BS in computer science. (more)
Nancy Lonsdorf Transcendental Meditation can help prevent burn out and fatigue
2 July 2022
Nancy Lonsdorf, MD, explains why women today are so tired and how Transcendental Meditation can improve one's energy level, mental clarity and health. (more)

MIU student expert in the art of tea
25 June 2022
Yao Yao, a certified tea art specialist, expanded her knowledge of agriculture by studying Regenerative Organic Agriculture at Maharishi International University (MIU). (more)

Mongolia Student from Mongolia appreciates MIU
18 June 2022
Bat-Ulzii Bayarsaikhan, who studied oriental philosophy in Mongolia, appreciates the scientific approach to the study of consciousness offered in his classes at Maharishi International University (MIU). (more)
angela Advocating for trauma survivors
11 June 2022
Angela Albrecht created workshops to mitigate the effects of trauma with the Transcendental Meditation technique and will be offering these workshops to the public, social service offices, and schools in her community. (more)
MIU alumni featured in documentary on PTSD recovery
4 June 2022
Maharishi International University alumni Rouzanna Vardanyan and David Shapiro appear in the documentary Ending the War Within about bringing relief from war trauma in Armenia through the Transcendental Meditation programme. (more)
girl The Transcendental Meditation technique: help for the bullied
28 May 2022
The Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique has been documented by published research to help avert being bullied and/or recover from damage created by being bullied. (more)
mba students MIU students launch Transcending Trauma Programme
21 May 2022
Two MBA students at Maharishi International University recently formed a partnership to offer Transcendental Meditation to survivors of sexual harassment and assault in the beverage industry. (more)
dylan Pursuing enlightened leadership
14 May 2022
Maharishi International University student Dylan MacDonald is majoring in Enlightened Leadership, which trains students for leadership roles by offering courses in Maharishi Vedic Science, management, and business. (more)
S African meditator High-risk Black adults benefit from TM practice
7 May 2022
A recent study found that the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique reduces risk for cardiovascular disease and potentially related co-morbidities, such as COVID, in Black adults with high normal blood pressure. (more)
Kaili MIU student documents the heroes of live music
30 April 2022
Kaili Rose, a student in Maharishi International University’s online Cinematic Arts and New Media Program, is working on a documentary series about the music industry and the challenges artists face on their way to success. (more)
dileep Promoting MIU's ComPro
24 April 2022
While a student, Dileep Krishnamoorthy made videos promoting Maharishi International University's ComPro (Computer Professional Program). He now covers the highly popular ComPro website live chat for India's time zone. (more)

Finding inspiration in community
17 April 2022
Maharishi International University film student Kendra Morrison loves collaborating with classmates and people from the Fairfield, Iowa creative community. (more)


brain New podcast on developing full human potential
10 April 2022
Leasding authority in the field of consciousness Dr. Nader sits down with world renowned neurosurgeon Dr. Phil Stieg to discuss how to attain the pinnacle of human awareness. (more)
gillam Effective communication through personal transformation
4 April 2022
Maharishi International University (MIU) alumnus Patrick Gillam runs his own copywriting consultancy and is focused on personal transformation and supporting clients who aim to transform their fields. (more)
Elee The art of daily rituals
28 March 2022
While being a student in Maharishi International University’s low-residency MFA program and an administrator for the art department, Roberto Elee Torres's wants to explore how everyday activities and rituals can create happiness. (more)
art Laying the foundation for a creative life
21 March 2022
Maharishi International University student Jennifer Moore is in the Visual Art Program and is interested in becoming a teacher or an art therapist, combining art with the Transcendental Meditation technique in her work. (more)
Francesca The magic of writing fiction
14 March 2022
Francesca Redlich is studying creative and professional writing at Maharishi International University and is interested in becoming a teacher or an art therapist, combining art with the Transcendental Meditation technique in her work. (more)
Ayako MIU faculty writes chapter on sustainability education in new textbook
7 March 2022
Maharishi International University (MIU) faculty member Ayako Huang contributed a chapter to a new textbook on cultivating a sustainability mindset in education. (more)
child Children and mental health: What to do now
28 February 2022
Children, who practice the effortless Transcendental Meditation technique, have tangibly reduced damage from past stress, more resilience against future stressors, and more flexible and clear minds. (more)
Taylor Studying filmmaking to tell timeless stories
21 February 2022
Taylor Placity is currently enrolled in Maharishi International University’s online Cinematic Arts and New Media Program and is fulfilling her desire to direct and act in timeless stories. (more)
heart Key to a healthy heart
14 February 2022
The Transcendental Meditation technique is a scientifically validated, holistic approach that can effectively counter the wide variety of influences that negatively impact one's cardiovascular system. (more)
banjeree Businessman with a purpose
5 February 2022
Jay Banerjee's company has been thriving since he has been practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique and studying Maharishi Vedic Science at Maharishi International University. (more)
denixe Bringing regenerative farming to Jamaica
31 January 2022
Maharishi International Unversity student in regenerative organic agriculture Denise Cagley-Jefferson has learned to farm in Jamaica and hopes to educate the local farmers about regenerative organic practices. (more)
Sanaa Exploring diverse interests at MIU
24 January 2022
Maharishi International Unversity (MIU) student Sanaa Sayani is a researcher with a keen interest in science, including neuroscience, physiology, astrology, physics and Maharishi Vedic Science. (more)
Karena Pursuing self-fulfillment to support others
17 January 2022
Karena Jones would like to integrate her knowledge gained in the MA in Maharishi Vedic Science at Maharishi International University with her past knowledge and experience to reach a wider audience and help others. (more)
students Boost your intelligence with TM
10 January 2022
There have been more than 110 research findings relevant to the increase of mental potential through the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique that suggest the possibility of raising our intelligence. (more)
New Year How to live your best life in 2022
3 January 2022
To create a peaceful and sustainable world, we need to grow in stability from within with an expanded, adaptive consciousness, allowing us to see the broad picture in a positive way. (more)
artist Enriching life with art
27 December 2021
Maharishi International University (MIU) alumna Burcu Çenberci has fulfilled two of her dreams: to become an MIU student and to become a painter. (more)
cbe study Study on Consciousness-Based Education and student health
19 December 2021
According to a recently published study by lead researcher Marie Loiselle, PhD, Consciousness-Based Education buffers the effects of stress on mental and physical health in college students. (more)
business MA Pursuing leadership development
11 December 2021
Katie Farrell Rogers has been able to tackle professional challenges using what she has learned in the Maharishi International University online MA in Leadership and Workplace Conflict Resolution. (more)
sunpreet Integrating knowledge with the Self
4 December 2021
Maharishi International University student Sunpreet Chohan is enjoying studying Maharishi Vedic Science after 15 years working in finance, which he often found stressful. (more)
ceo From CEO to professor
26 November 2021
Vikram Gulati spent 30 years leading IT companies before joining Maharishi International Unversity to pursue his PhD and teach management courses through MIU’s distance education programmes. (more)

Defragmenting the mind with TM
19 November 2021
Maharishi International University Professor Al-Tarawneh was delighted to discover that Transcendental Meditation (TM) has helped him defragment his mind, sleep better, enjoy life more, and accomplish more. (more)


students An ancient solution to the modern problem of stress
12 November 2021
Transcendental Meditation, an ancient and authentic meditation technique, has been shown to reduce stress and promote growth and well being around the world. (more)
motsei Finding meaningful education
5 November 2021
Motsei Masilo from South Africa is enjoying the MBA degree programme at Maharishi International Unversity after a career with Roche Pharmaceuticals for twenty years. (more)
abdul Connecting to creativity and community
29 October 2021
To fulfill his dream of becoming a filmmaker, Abdul Khalik Mokhtar has enrolled in Maharishi International University's Cinematic Arts and New Media Programme. (more)
Eid Discovering tools for creative expression
22 October 2021
Katherine Eid is now working on a documentary on intergenerational trauma and heroism, based on her own father's stories, while she studies film at Maharishi International University. (more)



Practicing integrative medicine
15 October 2021
Manisha Mittal is now completing her final year of the online MS in Maharishi AyurVeda and Integrative Medicine programme while she runs a holistic health center with her family. (more)
bill t A career in sustainable and life-supporting business
8 October 2021
Maharishi International University alumnus Bill Thompson has enjoyed working for companies with life-supporting missions and now is exploring new sustainable business opportunities. (more)

MIU alumna is a writer, producer, director
1 October 2021
After graduating from the David Lynch MFA in Film Program, Maharishi International University (MIU) alumna Jennifer Kachler has enjoyed great success working in commercial film. (more)


Happiness Find happiness
25 September 2021
Transcendental Meditation satisfies our need for happiness from within ourselves while giving us the tools of increased energy, intelligence and creativity to fulfill desires. (more)
miu alumnus Alumnus says MIU was the best period of his life
17 September 2021
Maharishi International University alumnus Roman Magar enjoyed his time in the MBA Accounting Programme and is now assistant vice president of a bank in Maryland, USA. (more)
research New scientific studies on Transcendental Meditation in 2021
12 September 2021
Five new research studies examine the effects of Transcendental Meditation, providing further objective verification of a broad range of benefits to overall health. (more)
Mathias MIU alum creates new online financial platform
5 September 2021
Maharishi International University (MIU) alumnus Mathias Abdissa from Ethiopia created a new online financial platform, which allows people in Africa to open an FDIC-insured US bank account. (more)
Jordon Studying while traveling
31 August 2021
Jordan Curcio appreciates the flexiibility of Maharishi International University's online classes that he can take while traveling and experiencing other cultures. (more)
Emily Enjoying MIU's Consciousness-Based Education online
25 August 2021
Emily Newman found her experience of online education very satisfying, because she experienced much enthusiasm and support from her teachers during class and she got to know classmates from around the world. (more)
Bipin Accounting professional studies software development and finds happiness
19 August 2021
Accounting professional Bipin Regmi from Nepal found studying software development and learning Transcendental Meditation at Maharishi International University to be very good for him. (more)
Leo Connecting the African American community with Africa through business
12 August 2021
Maharishi International University alumni Leo Alexander III plans to use the untapped economic opportunities on the African continent to help African Americans and those in Africa itself. (more)
m Moore

MIU alum is expanding renewable energy in Fairfield
5 August 2021
For the past 15 years, Maharishi International University alumni Michael Moore has worked in the area of renewable energy, and is now helping Fairfield, Iowa, transition to 100 percent renewable energy. (more)


Aalok Outstanding MBA student at MIU
30 July 2021
Aalok Prakash Shrivastava received the Outstanding Student Award from the Business department at Maharishi International University (MIU) and is now enrolled in the MA in Consciousness and Human Potential programme. (more)
china MIU Computer Science alumnus and Daoist master awarded honorary doctorate
24 July 2021
For his contribution to the Daoist tradition, to education, and to world peace and harmony, Maharishi International University awarded Master Zhang with an honorary doctorate at the 2021 commencement ceremony. (more)
father mejia The remarkable story of Father Gabriel Mejia
19 July 2021
Father Mejia has incorporated the Transcendental Meditation technique into his 60 foundation shelters throughout Columbia and South America that serve thousands of orphans and young offenders. (more)
Jenna Discovering a passion for the environment
12 July 2021
Jenna Doran, sign language interpreter, is majoring in applied arts and sciences with a minor in sustainable living at Maharishi International University and has a special interest in doing environmental work. (more)
students A solution for school bullying
5 July 2021
The Transcendental Meditation technique improves brain functioning so lack of impulse control and the aggression that contributes to bullying are less problematic. (more)
stillness simone Learning to enjoy stillness
30 June 2021
Simone Cabizuca, from Brazil, learned Transcendental Meditation to calm her anxiety and went on to get a degree in Maharishi Vedic Science at Maharishi International University. (more)
girlhood Rediscovering girlhood’s lost vision
23 June 2021
At any age, we can regain our pure inner vision and sense of our infinite potential by revisiting the “deep well” at our center with the simple, effortless technique of Transcendental Meditation. (more)
Doshi New branch campus of MIU opens in Los Angeles
17 June 2021
The first branch campus for the ever-expanding Maharishi Ayurveda & Integrative Medicine programme opened in Los Angeles, California, where students can take in-residence, clinical practical training. (more)
christi From chef to organic farmer
11 June 2021
Christi Nickey, who grew up on a farm in Indiana, attended culinary school and worked as a chef, has returned to school to study organic, sustainable agriculture at Maharishi International University. (more)
A comprehensive approach to student well-being
5 June 2021
Maharishi International University alumnus Raul Calderon, PhD is the executive advisor to the International Organization of Health, Sports, and Kinesiology (IOHSK). (more)
Varsha New book on Ayurveda and nutrition
29 May 2021
Maharishi International University alumna Varsha Khatri recently published a book titled Think Healthy, Choose Healthy: Make Healthier Dietary and Lifestyle Choices through the Holistic Approach of Nutrition and Ayurveda. (more)
Finding personal and professional fulfillment at MIU
22 May 2021
The Ukrainian couple, Eugene and Julia Rohozhnikov, enjoyed professional growth in the Computer Professional Program at Maharishi International University and felt nourished inside and out by their meditation practice and friends. (more)
Monreka Inspiring others to be their best
16 May 2021
Montreka Dansby, who has a PhD and background in nutritional sciences, feels what she recently has learned in the Maharishi International University online MBA program has been very helpful. (more)
raza Making dreams come true
10 May 2021
Raja Hassan Raza from Pakistan appreciates Maharishi International University's comprehensive approach to education that not only features qualified faculty, but also extensive career development and personal growth. (more)
Sheerie Exploring creativity through film
4 May 2021
Sherrie Greenfield is enjoying cinematic arts and new media major at Maharishi International University, where some classes offer her the freedom to create her own projects, and other courses emulate the atmosphere of an actual movie set. (more)
tam Acquiring hard and soft skills at MIU
30 April 2021
With an advanced degrees from a university in Vietnam, Tam Van Vo appreciates the practical value of computer science master’s program at Maharishi International University (MIU) that helped him improve his skills and gain knowledge. (more)
faqir Staying agile in the rapidly changing business environment
24 April 2021
Faqir Khan started a nonprofit company to train others how to be adaptable in highly competitive business environments, and now is is pursuing an MBA in SAP Enterprise Resource Planning and business analytics. (more)
carolyna A passion for environmental conservation
17 April 2021
Maharishi International University (MIU) sustainable living student Carolyna Doucette just completed an internship with the National Trust for the Cayman Islands, working on a native species conservation project. (more)
kristina Breaking boundaries
10 April 2021
Learning Transcendental Meditation and attending Maharishi International University helped Kristina Vitale on her personal development journey to overcome her fears and balance her personal life and career. (more)
Lena Interview with a champion of human rights
4 April 2021
Lena Alhusseini has been successfully addressing human rights for populations in need, and finds that Transcendental Meditation helps her feel sustained and energized. (more)
fullness Experiencing the fullness of life
28 March 2021
Johannes Schweigel enjoys Maharishi’s technologies for the growth of higher states of consciousness and strives to use his talents to contribute to a more harmonious society. (more)
Abegaze Pursuing personal, spiritual, and professional development
22 March 2021
Nahom Abegaze from Ethiopia has found personal, spiritual and professional growth while at Maharishi International University in Fairfield, Iowa, USA. (more)
dr nader Milestone book: One Unbounded Ocean of Consciousness by Dr Tony Nader
16 March 2021
Dr. Nader offers ideas that can change the world in his new book, One Unbounded Ocean of Consciousness, where he reveals that the study of consciousness brings the practical benefits of enlightenment, peace and fulfillment. (more)
professor MIU Professor wins industry award for research on wireless security
10 March 2021
Dr. Renuka Mohanraj, Associate Professor at Maharishi International University, has recently been honored as a Fellow of the Computer Science Research Council for her important research on wireless sensor networks data security. (more)

More personal growth and deep rest with the TM Technique
4 March 2021
The Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique refreshes the mind and body, reduces stress, and increases intelligence and memory. (more)

jibri “Inner hygiene” as the foundation for strength and resilience
28 February 2021
Rashied Jibri, PhD, as a psychologist, psychotherapist, and Transcendental Meditation (TM) teacher, recommends TM because it structures the resilience and stability that protect one in negative situations. (more)
tmer Changing the trajectory of young lives
22 February 2021
Professor Maria Perser would like to bring the benefits of Transcendental Meditation to as many students as possible to change the trajectory of their lives. (more)
diving dolphin Dive into yourself, a source of inspiration
16 February 2021
Maria Di Donna, a musician, singer, and songwriter, shares the amazing benefits she has experienced from her practice of Transcendental Meditation. (more)
hassan At MIU career training and personal development go hand in hand
10 February 2021
Maharishi International University graduates in the Master’s in Software Development are equipped with software development skills—along with increased creativity and stress-reduction from their Transcendental Meditation practice. (more)
james s Being more awake to kindle the imagination
4 February 2021
James Shrosbree, Professor of Art at Maharishi International University (MIU), says that Transcendental Meditation helped him be more awake and see the world in ways to kindle his imagination. (more)
Maharishi Enlivening the basis of health and success
29 January 2021
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the Founder of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) programme, explained the importance of the twice daily TM practice in a 1973 talk in Santa Barbara, California, USA. (more)
jessica Producing uplifting media
23 January 2021
Jessica Matschiner is earning a bachelor’s degree in cinematic arts and new media at Maharishi International University, and aims to help others to live their best selves. (more)
chad Pursuing a MBA in Sustainable Business at MIU
17 January 2021
Chad Hays, who is studying studying entrepreneurship and sustainable business at Maharishi International University (MIU), already has a MD, a master’s in public health degree and a law degree. (more)
Zaria From family videos to documentaries
11 January 2021
Maharishi International University student Zaria Spell has an ambitious plan to write a memoir and produce a documentary on African American heritage, including her own family, before she graduates. (more)
ian TM gives one an underlying base of happiness in life
6 January 2021
Musician, author, and actor Ian Fowles has found benefits in all areas of his life from his daily practice of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique. (more)


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